• December 05, 2022

    Professor Jon Froehlich Receives PacTrans Outstanding Researcher Award

    The PacTrans Outstanding Researcher Award, is presented to investigators for outstanding research with significant outcomes, incorporating meaningful student contributions, and robust community service/leadership involvement. This year, PacTrans is pleased to announce this award goes to UW Associate Professor of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Jon Froehlich.

    Professor Froehlich received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Washington in December 2011 where he was a Microsoft Research Graduate Fellow and the 2010 College of Engineering “Graduate Innovator of the Year.” His Ph.D. dissertation entitled “Sensing and Feedback of Everyday Activities to Promote Environmental Behaviors” won numerous awards including the 2012 University of Washington Distinguished Dissertation Award and an honorable mention for the national 2012 Council of Graduate Schools Distinguished Dissertation Award in Mathematics, Physical Sciences, and Engineering.

    His work has been published in over 35 scientific peer-reviewed publications in many top venues including ACM CHI, UbiComp, IJCAI, MobiSys, ASSETS, and ICSE earning nine paper awards in total: four best paper awards (CHI’10, CHI’13, ASSETS’13, CHI’16 LBW) and five best paper honorable mentions (UbiComp’09, CHI’12, CHI’13, 2 x CHI’15). In addition, his UIST’14 paper on Tohme was selected for the ACM Computing Reviews ‘Best of Computing 2014’ list.