• April 19, 2019

    Second Annual Mobility Summit of University Transportation Centers

    Last week, PacTrans Assistant Director, Cole Kopca, traveled to Washington D.C. to take part in the Mobility 21 UTC hosted Mobility Summit of University Transportation Centers.

    This one day event focused on Improving the Mobility of People and Goods, and brought together representatives of government, industry, and academia from all disciplines and touch transportation and mobility issues.

    The University Transportation Centers each had an opportunity to discuss current research efforts and there were two panels – one on opportunities and challenges to improve the mobility of people, and the other on opportunities and challenges to improve the mobility of goods – where government and industry leaders got to share with academia, all of the gaps and opportunities for future research in this space.

    During lunch, we had the opportunity to hear a keynote address from Diana Furchtgott-Roth, the newly nominated Deputy Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology at the USDOT Office of Research, Development & Technology.