• May 01, 2023

    Student Team from PacTrans Partner OSU wins 2nd at International ESV Conference

    A group of four students from Oregon State University recently traveled to Kyoto Japan to compete in the Student Safety Technology Design Competition (SSTDC) as part of the 27th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV). They won second at the world competition after winning first in North America to solidify their spot. Their project was titled, Interfacing Pedestrians, Automated Vehicles, and Connected Infrastructure: A Novel Application for Resolving Right-of-Way Conflicts, and competed in the “Pedestrian Crash Avoidance, Automated Driving Systems” category. Advised by PacTrans Associate Director, David Hurwitz, the team comprised Amy Wyman, Helena Breuer, Chris Hauck, and Jane Weber.

    ESV conferences provide opportunities to share innovative advances in motor vehicle safety and encourage international cooperation. The 27th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles was held in Yokohama, Japan from April 3-6, 2023. The United States Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Office of Vehicle Safety Research is the official Government agency responsible for the implementation of the International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles (ESV) held every two years at a venue agreed upon by the participating Government Focal Points (GFPs).

    The Conference is hosted by an ESV member country selected in advance by the GFPs representing the participating Governments’ transportation organizations. ESV attendees include members of Governments, automobile manufacturers, technology companies, suppliers, academia – including safety researchers, students, safety advocates and other motor vehicle safety professionals, medical, insurance, legal and policy professionals, consumers, and media.