• February 27, 2015

    Sungkyunkwan University Students Visit PacTrans STAR Lab

    Dr. Sam Oh, professor of data science at Sungkyunkwan University in Seoul, brought undergraduate students participating in a data science camp to visit the PacTrans STAR Lab this February. In their visit, students saw data science in action, gaining exposure to complex data analysis and visualization in transportation research. The lab, which excels in traffic sensing and traffic data management, is known for the Digital Roadway Interactive Visualization and Evaluation Network (DRIVENet), an online transportation data platform.

    Sungkyunkwan students listen to Kristian Henrickson present about STAR Lab.

    Sungkyunkwan students listen to Kristian Henrickson present about STAR Lab.


    Dr. Oh and Dr. Wang exchange gifts.

    Dr. Oh and Dr. Wang exchange gifts.