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These invention tasks are a true collaborative effort by a team that is much more than the sum of its parts. The team members include:

  • Suzanne White Brahmia: Lead developer on most tasks.
  • Andrew Boudreaux: Collaborator on most tasks and lead on spring constant, capacitance and others that are under development.
  • Steve Kanim: Collaborator on most tasks and lead on several that are under development; graphic artist and PER silverback
  • AJ Richards: Collaborated on many of the mechanics and thermodynamics tasks, provided feedback (as a TA) during the field testing stages. Co-directed and starred in the entropy video.
  • Josh Smith: Collaborated on many of the mechanics and thermodynamics tasks and is the stick figure artist, provided feedback (as an LA) during the field testing stages. Co-directed,produced and starred in the entropy video.
  • Michael Loverude: Collaborated and consulted on the thermodynamics tasks.