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Obtaining a Password

Thanks for your interest in the Invention Tasks. The website is new (created in support of our workshop participants), and we weren't expecting to be sharing it broadly quite so quickly! Please bear in mind that we are still in the process of editing the materials -- there are bound to be errors we haven't caught yet and improvements needed. Please send us any comments you have.

There is strong evidence that instructors are less likely to continue using materials if the implementation is not faithful to the developers' intention (Henderson et al.). For that reason it is important to us that users stay faithful to the intended use of these materials. If you haven't been to one of our workshops, we encourage you to read the three following papers (or summary):

  1. A Time for Telling Schwartz and Bransford (1998); here is a short summary by Bud Nye commissioned by Jane Jackson for the Modeling Project.
  2. Developing Mathematization with Physics Invention Tasks a journal article we've written on this project that is currently under review (2017)
  3. Practicing Versus Inventing With Contrasting Cases: the Effects of Telling First on Learning and Transfer a physics application of invention instruction by Schwartz et al. (2013)

We are sharing our Physics Invention Tasks with the understanding that if you use them that you will keep our copyright on the pages. While we hope to create a community of users who can modify these materials to suit their own instructional settings, we'd like to keep tabs of the tasks at least in these initial stages.

In order to obtain a password, send an email to one of the developers listed below. (to thwart webcrawlers we use "at" to mean @ and "dot" to mean a period.) The email should include:

  • your name
  • your institution and state
  • email you're most likely to check
  • Best wishes,

    The Lead Developers email address
    Suzanne White Brahmia: brahmia"at"uw"dot"edu
    Andrew Boudreaux: Andrew"dot"Boudreaux"at"wwu"dot"edu
    Steve Kanim: skanim"at"nmsu"dot"edu
