Oliver's Fruit Salad

CONCEPT: Discovering Fruits



Read a story about a boy who learns about fruits from his grandpa's garden. He learns to try fruits and discovers he likes them! Discuss different fruits with the children...best of all they are "YES" foods!



After completing this activity, children will be able to:

  • identify different types of fruits
  • describe why different fruits are important



  1. Read the story Oliver's Fruit Salad by Vivian French.
  2. Lead a discussion , asking questions such as:
    • What kinds of fruit grew in Grandpa's garden?
    • Which of those fruits would you try?
    • What fruits were at the grocery store that did not grow in Grandpa's garden? Which of those fruits would you try?
    • What is your favorite fruit?
    • Are fruits "yes" foods or "no" foods?
    • Are apples a fruit? Should you only eat apples?
    • Why is it important to eat a variety of fruits?
  3. Distribute the worksheet. Help the children complete the activity, as needed. Discuss the answers



  • Book: Oliver's Fruit Salad by Vivan French. Published by Orchard Books, 1998. ISBN: 0-531-30087-0.
  • acrobat reader logo Worksheet
  • Pencil or crayons



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