Silly Bird Makes A Cake

CONCEPT: Weighing and Measuring



Learn about the importance of carefully measuring foods, especially when making a recipe. Children hear a story and practice measuring.



After completing this activity, children will be able to:

  • correctly label tools used for weighing and measuring
  • choose the right measuring tool when given a food to measure
  • demonstrate the proper technique for measuring with a cup or spoon
  • describe foods items as "more" or "less" using volume measurements



  1. Read the story Silly Bird Makes a Cake.

  2. Lead a discussion , with questions such as:

    • Why is it important to measure ingredients carefully?
    • Silly Bird likes to do things fast. Did he save time by making the birthday cake without following the directions?
    • Why is it important that you measure foods carefully?
  3. Demonstrate the proper way to measure dry and liquid foods. Demonstrate with sugar and with water. Talk about the tools needed for measuring and how to measure.
  4. Show the children different volumes of ingredients and ask them which is "more" and which is "less".
  5. Make Puffied Rice Granola:
    • Divide the children into groups of three for this activity. Help the children follow the recipe for the Puffed Rice Granola and measure the ingredients.
    • During the food preparation, provide the children with opportunities to compare differing amounts or sizes of items as "more" or "less".
  6. Distribute the worksheet. Help the children to complete it, as needed. Discuss their answers.



  • acrobat reader logo Silly Bird Makes a Cake story
  • Measuring cups and measuring spoons
  • Straight edge
  • acrobat reader logo Recipe: Puffed Rice Granola
  • Baggies (ziplock)
  • Labels (to label baggies with phe content)
  • Pencils
  • Food items (sugar, water, any other foods needed to demonstrate measuring, recipe ingredients)
  • acrobat reader logo Worksheet



  • Allow your children to measure or weigh selected items as you are making a recipe.
  • Provide your children with opportunities to compare differing amounts or sizes of items as "more" or "less".



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