After School Snacks

CONCEPT: Eating with PKU



Practice making healthy snack choices while completing a worksheet about after school snacks.



After completing this activity, participants will be able to:

  • participants will be able to suggest appropriate, low phe snacks
  • given a recipe or the ingredients for a food, participants can identify high phe ingredients and suggest substitutions



Begin the activity with a discussion of snacks.

  • Who eats snacks?
  • What kind of snacks do you usually eat?
  • Do you have a snack when you get home from school?
  • Who makes your snacks?
  • What is the perfect after school snack?

Discuss good choices for after-school snacks that fit into the PKU diet. Is it ever difficult to find a healthy, low phe snack at home (like when it is close to time to go grocery shopping and the kitchen is low on food...)? What do you do?

Distribute the worksheet.
Participants complete the worksheet independently. Provide assistance, as needed. Discuss their answers.



  • acrobat reader logo Worksheet
  • Pencils
  • Low Protein Food List for PKU
  • Calculators



Together, with your young adult, come up with a list of healthy, low phe snacks to keep stocked in the kitchen.

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