Learning the "REAL" Phe Content of Foods

CONCEPT: Calculating Phe



Participants estimate the amount of phe in a variety of foods, then use a gram scale and a food list to calculate actual phe content.



After completing this activity, children will be able to:

  • list methods to estimate the phe content of foods
  • describe why it is important to accurately measure portion sizes
  • identify types of foods for which it is especially important to accurately measure portion sizes



Gather an assortment of food items. Suggestions are provided on the worksheet, but make sure to include foods the participants might typically eat.

Complete the worksheet
Distribute a worksheet to each participant. Distribute the Food List when they are ready to start the "Actual" column.

For each food, participants:

  • Estimate the portion size, weight, and amount of phe (write this in the "Your Estimation" column)
  • Weigh and measure the food, then calculate the actual amount of phe (using the Food List) and complete the "Actual" column.
  • Compare their estimate to the actual values (in the "Difference" column)

When the participants have finished Part 2, discuss the questions.

If time permits, discuss other situations in which it is important to identify a strategy for estimating portion sizes. What type of planning can be done ahead of time (e.g., measuring)? What are some strategies for "surprise situations" (like eating at a friend's house or a new restaurant)?



  • Pencils
  • Gram scale
  • Ruler
  • Calculators
  • acrobat reader logo Food List
  • Selected foods: banana, orange, Russet potato, red potato, French fries, chips, two types of cereal



Rather than relying on estimation, weigh and measure foods at home during food preparation and before eating foods. This will help you accurately assess your phe intake from food.


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