Nutrition Tic-Tac-Know

CONCEPT: PKU Diet, General Nutrition



Participants test their knowledge of PKU and general nutrition concepts while playing tic-tac-toe.



After completing this activity, participants will be able to:

  • state what nutrients their formula and low protein foods provide
  • give examples of foods that provide energy, protein, calcium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin D, or vitamin C
  • identify the recommended management guidelines for PKU
  • describe the PKU diet to someone who is not familiar with it



Game Preparation:
Distribute a Tic-Tac-Know game card to each participant. Pair the participants into groups of two. One will be "X" and one will be "O". (If you have a small group, you might choose to divide the group into two groups and play one tic-tac-toe game together. One group will the "X" and one will be the "O" group.)

Let's Play!
There are two sets of questions to choose from, or you may combine them and use them both. There are the general nutrition questions and the PKU related questions.

Using the questions, ask the "X" group a question. If they answer correctly, they put an "X" on the Tic-Tac-Toe grid. If they answer incorrectly, they do not put anything on the grid.

Next, ask the "O" group a question. If they answer correctly, they put an "O" on the Tic-Tac-Toe grid. If they answer incorrectly, they do not put anything on the grid.

Continue with questions, alternating between each group, until someone gets a Tic-Tac-Toe (three X's or three O's in a row).

Continue with another round. You may want the participants to rotate partners between each round.

As you work through the questions, discuss each answer. For example, for the True or False questions: If the answer if False, why? What would make the statement True?



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