Space Available In Environmental Health Courses

There are a few environmental health courses with space available for your students. Please share this information with those in search of upper division electives and those interested in applying their science knowledge to solving real world public health problems. They are each 3 credits.

I want to give a special plug for ENV H 452 as useful to public health and health care professionals, microbiologists, civil and environmental engineers, environmental scientists and bio-defense specialists. This course will review environmental detection and control of pathogenic organisms. The first half of the course will cover methods of sample collection, processing and target detection. The second half of the course will examine methods of decontamination and disinfection, as well as other engineered controls of environmentally transmitted pathogens. Flyer attached.



ENV H 441: Food Protection MWF 330-420 in HST T530 Study of identification and characteristics of chemicals and biological agents implicated in foodborne disease outbreaks and conditions or circumstances by which food contamination occurs. Examination of food protection activities conducted by local and state government at the retail level. Prerequisite: 2.0 in CHEM 162; 2.0 in MICROM 302.

ENV H 442: Zoonotic Diseases and Their Control (in time schedule as Vector Control but revision is in progress) MWF 1030-1120 in HST T498 This course examines the transmission and control of zoonotic and vector-borne diseases of public health importance around the U.S. and the world. From the dawn of human history until the present day humans and animals have been sharing their pathogens and diseases. Typhus, Yellow Fever, Malaria, Bubonic Plague, Dengue have all affected the course of history and their causative agents continue to be present in our environment, along with new “plagues” like Hantavirus, Lyme Disease, and West Nile Virus. Attention will be made to identification, surveillance and control methods. Prerequisite: 2.0 in BIOL 220.

ENV H 446 Hazardous Waste Management MWF 130-220 in HST T478 Characterization of hazardous wastes and introduction to pertinent federal and state regulations. Discussion of exposure pathways and description of management options at pre-generation, pre-release, and post-release stages. Emphasis on public health significance. Supplemented with case studies. Prerequisite: 2.0 in CHEM 162; either 2.0 in MATH 112 or 2.0 in MATH 124; recommended: MATH 125, CHEM 224, PHYS 115.

ENV H 452: Detection and Control of Environmentally Transmitted Microbiological Hazards MWF 930-1020 in HST T359 Focuses on the detection and control of infections microorganisms in air, food, water, and other environmental media. Provides a discussion on sample collection, processing and detection for infectious microorganisms. Provide coverage of engineered controls and disinfection/decontamination processes for infectious microorganisms.

ENV H 462: Technical Aspects of Occupational Safety T 1030-1250 in HSE E216 Reviews federal OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) and state WISHA (Washington Industrial Safety and Heath Act) standards. Explores the impact of these regulations on industry, particularly construction. Upon completion of the course, students receive an OSHA 510 30-hour Construction Safety and Health certification.

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