Careers in Health Disparities Webinar

The Drexel University School of Public Health is pleased to present the upcoming Careers in Health Disparities Panel webinar as part of our National Public Health Week events. Please forward this information along to any students that you may have with interests in public health and health disparities.

The webinar event will be hosted on April 2, 2012, from 4:00 to 5:00 PM (EST). This event is designed to connect public health undergraduate and graduate students; as well as public health professionals to information about careers related to health disparities. Panelists include:

. Dr. Lisa Bowleg–62/ , Associate Professor and Principal Investigator of the Opening Doors Health Disparities Training Program at the Drexel University School of Public Health

. Dr. Steve Owens , Director of Health Equity at Directors of Health Promotion and Education

. Dr. Debra Perez , Senior Program Officer at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Directions on how to access this webinar as well as panelist profiles are attached.

To RSVP for this event, please visit 2012/Careers-in-Health-Disparities-Webinar/5347/.

Colleen P. Baillie, EdM

Director of Enrollment, Recruitment and Retention

School of Public Health

Drexel University

1505 Race Street

Philadelphia, PA 19102

Ph: 215-762-1224

Fax: 215-762-8846


doc iconCareers in Health Disparities Panelists.docx doc iconDirections for participating in the Careers In Health Disparities Panel (audience).docx

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