MCAT 2015 update


New updates about registering for this year’s MCAT exam:

  • Please encourage your students to check the Scheduling & Registration system frequently as seats may open up with score releases for the final January administrations and as registration deadlines approach. Some students who took the old exam are holding seats for the new exam and are likely to release their seats if satisfied with their scores. The system is updated in real time.
  • For those examinees who are testing in June, we will now provide them with estimated percentiles two to three weeks after they test so they can use the information to decide where to apply (or whether to retest). June scores will be reported three weeks after the first applications are released to medical schools. We hope that the early percentile information will simplify planning for June examinees, as it will for April and May examinees.


  • Our team will reach out to the admissions community to make them aware that they will be seeing more applications with new scores a little later in their application cycles because of the increased demand for early testing dates.
  • You may check seat availability. You may create an account in the Scheduling & Registration system yourself by clicking on the “Register for the MCAT exam” tab in the top right corner of the MCAT website. Use your AAMC login and password to access the system. While you may peruse the site to check availability, students must register themselves so please do not submit payment for a seat.
  • You may want to remind your students to keep preparing for the exam in case a seat does become available. As you know, the Khan Academy includes free tutorials for the concepts the new exam tests and the AAMC offers several other free and low-cost preparation products as well.

Please contact us at if you have any questions.

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