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Grace Moya-Ranallo

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Grace Moya-Ranallo

October 7, 2020      In Cohort 16 (2020) Comments Off on Grace Moya-Ranallo

Hello my name is Grace Moya-Ranallo. I’m a transfer student here at the UW. I was born and raised in Denver, Colorado, and moved to Seattle 3 years ago. I’ve always loved the sky, especially in Colorado, it’s so expansive. I remember lying in the grass of my front yard looking up to the night sky, and it really was a feeling like no other. I fell in love that night and my passion has only grown since then. I love to learn about the mysteries of the universe like black holes and dark matter. I find them so intriguing, and cannot wait to learn more. I’m really looking forward to PreMAP, and learning how to get started in research and so much more. Outside of school I love to dance, write, rock climb, ride my bike, make pizza and laugh with my friends. 

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