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Simon Dawson

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Simon Dawson

October 7, 2020      In Cohort 16 (2020) Comments Off on Simon Dawson

Hi! My name’s Simon. I’m a sophomore at UW and plan on majoring in Astronautical Engineering and Environmental Studies. I’ve been interested in lots of other subjects throughout high school and college – and do have other passions outside of this field – but I’ve always wanted to go to space. When I was young, I would drive people insane with questions about stars, galaxies, astronauts, how to become an astronaut, going to astronaut school, etc. I’d make these prototypical bottle rockets, 100% confident they would at least hit a cloud, and never lost hope when they dropped like bricks outside my window. I’d like to think that tenacity plus Google is what brought me from that level to here, and with time hopefully to another, higher level as well. I’m originally from New Orleans, I love dogs, cooking, long walks on the beach, and, every once in a while, I like to watch a movie or two. You can generally find me in my apartment though unfortunately I’m not taking visitors at this time.

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