Plant Data Sheet

Photograph of Achillea millefolium



Species (common name, Latin name)

Yarrow, Achillea Millefolium



Yarrow is distributed throughout the United States except Arizona, New Mexico, and parts of southern Texas.


Climate, elevation

Yarrow is generally found at elevations of 1200-3350 m but can also be found as low as sea level.


Local occurrence (where, how common)

State route 520 at Montlake, 1 plant.


Habitat preferences

Yarrow grows in meadows and pastures, along stream edges, in sand dunes, and along the edge of woodlots. It tends to grow on poor soils and is very drought tolerant.


Plant strategy type/successional stage (stress-tolerator, competitor, weedy/colonizer, seral, late successional)

Early successional




Associated species


May be collected as: (seed, layered, divisions, etc.)

Flowering starts in April at lower elevations continuing through September at higher elevations. Fruiting occurs during August and September.


Collection restrictions or guidelines

Collect seed heads and allow them to air dry indoors for at least a week before cleaning.

Crush the heads with a rolling pin to remove the nutlets, then sieve the nutlets and chaff to separate the seed. Cold store dry seeds in a sealed container.


Seed germination (needs dormancy breaking?)

Seeds are nondormant and germinate over a variety of temperatures.   


Seed life (can be stored, short shelf-life, long shelf-life)

Once dried, seeds can be stored for a medium amount of time.


Recommended seed storage conditions

Cold store dry seeds in a sealed container.


Propagation recommendations (plant seeds, vegetative parts, cuttings, etc.) Sow indoors in late winter and transfer to larger containers in six weeks, or sow outdoors in late April.


Soil or medium requirements (inoculum necessary?)

May be grown in well-drained, moist soil but they establish best with the addition of fertilizer.  They grow best in full sun, but will tolerate some shade. 


Installation form (form, potential for successful outcomes, cost)

Seed, seedlings are the best form for installation.


Recommended planting density


Care requirements after installed (water weekly, water once etc.)

Moderate to no watering after it is established.


Normal rate of growth or spread; lifespan

Moderate lifespan, up to 3 feet tall.






Sources cited

Propagation of Pacific Northwest Native Plants. Rose, Robin.; Chachuluski, Caryn E. C.; Haase, Diane L.  Corvallis Oregon State University Press, 1998. p.97


Plants database



Data compiled by

Doug Schmitt    5-14-03