Plant Data Sheet

 Common Rush,   Juncus effusus     



Throughout most of North America, from Alaska to

Newfoundland and south to California (1)



Freshwater wetlands



Below 8,000 feet (1)


Local occurrence

Common in wet prairies, meadows, pastures and fields as

well as in shallow water at the edges of ponds and lakes (2)

and in disturbed sites


Habitat preferences

Full sun, moist to wet fields, disturbed sites, seasonally standing water to 3” (1)


Plant strategy type/successional stage

Extremely hardy and adaptable, can be invasive in some areas


Associated species

Buttercup (2), Carex species, Deschampsia caespitosa and Scirpus microcarpus (3)


Collection restrictions or guidelines

Flowers persist from March to September or October (1)


Seed germination

Spring germination, full sun


Vegetative regeneration



Seed life

Up to 60 years (1)


Recommended seed storage conditions


Propagation recommendations

Spring division (4)



Soil or medium requirements

Prefers acidic soils, wet (4), medium nitrogen, exposed and compacted mineral soils with fluctuating ground water (3)


Installation form

Bare rootstock, keep moist and cool until planting, bury to the crowns in a moist, sunny spot in late fall (1)


Recommended planting density

Height and width of mature plant – 18-48” by 12-24” (3)


Care requirements after installed (water weekly, water once etc.)



Normal rate of growth or spread; lifespan



Sources cited

1)      Hansen, W.W.  2003.  Native Plants of the Northwest, Native Plant Nursery & Gardens.  Common Rush (Juncus Effusus).


2)      Guard, J.  1995.  Wetland Plants of Oregon & Washington.  Lone Pine Publishing, Redmond, WA 98052.


3)       Klinka, K., Krajina, V.J., Ceska, A. and A.M. Scagel.  1989.  Indicator Plants of Coastal British Columbia.  University of British Columbia Press, Vancouver, BC.


4)      Perry, L.  2003.  Juncus effuses.



Data compiled by: Lizbeth Seebacher  April 16, 2003