Strait of Juan de Fuca (SJdF) modeling in 2021

Modeling performed by the UW Tsunami Modeling Group,

fgmax regions (from west to east):

In the description of files and directories below, the string LOC is sometimes used to refer to one of these locations.


This README and all of the code mentioned below is archived in the tar file 2021_SJdF_L1_XL1_AKmaxWA_code.tar.gz available by request from Washington Geological Survey.

The input_file, topofiles, and dtopofiles directories are archived in the tar file 2021_SJdF_L1_XL1_AKmaxWA_data.tar.gz available by request from Washington Geological Survey, or these large data files can be obtained by other means described below.

The GeoClaw simulation results from running these codes are archived in the tar file 2021_SJdF_L1_XL1_AKmaxWA_results.tar.gz available by request from Washington Geological Survey.

Directory structure

Within Runs are directories for each fgmax location, and within each of these there are subdirectories for each event: CSZ_XL1, CSZ_L1, and AK.

Topography files:

The topo/topofiles directory contains topo files and also .kml and .png files that show the areas covered by each.

Note: These large files are not included in the tar file but can be found at, along with the scripts used to create some of them.

The bash script topo/topofiles/ can be used to download them all.

The following notebooks are also included:

Earthquake source (dtopo) files:

The dtopo/dtopofiles directory contains dtopo files used to specify the sea floor displacement that generates the tsunami.

Note: These large files are not included in the tar file but can be found at, along with the scripts used to create some of them.

The bash script dtopo/dtopofiles/ can be used to download them all.

Input files:

Other large input files needed for GeoClaw runs are found in topo/input_files.

Note: These large files are not included in the tar file but can be found in 2021_SJdF_L1_XL1_AKmaxWA_data.tar.gz, or generated with the Python code that is included.

The fgmax points for each region are specified by the files

Ruled rectangles used in guiding adaptive mesh refinement are also found in topo/input_files, in these files for indicating refinement to 1/3" around fgmax regions:

Additional ruled rectangles are used for indicating refinement to a variable level in a larger area around each fgmax region, to at least 6" resolution but allowing 2" resolution as the wave approached:

The input_files directory also contains:

netCDF files containing the arrays indicating the fgmax_pts and DEM values. After the code is run, this file is used as the basis for a netCDF file that also contains the model results:

kmz files containing png images showing the fgmax points selected, separately for onshore and offshore points. These files are not needed for the GeoClaw simulations but are useful for visualizing the topography and fgmax points on Google Earth:

These files are created by the notebooks

Several figures (and png files) are also created. These are made in the topo directory and then moved to topo/input_files for safe keeping.

Rendered .html versions of the notebooks are also included showing the expected output.

Setting up a run

The location directory

A directory for an fgmax region (location) has a name like Runs/Chito_Sekiu. This directory contains a subdirectory for each event, such as CSZ_L1.

The event directory

Within an event directory, such as Runs/Chito_Sekiu/CSZ_L1, there are the following files:

Note: In addition to event directories for each earthquake source, there is also a directory make_B0 for each location. This is set up to do a short run with no source in order to save values of the topography B0 before co-seismic subsidence at each fgmax point, which is used in post-processing the fgmax results and producing plots and .nc files. The results are processed by topo/ and stored in topo/input_files/LOC_B0.txt for each fgmax region LOC.

Important parameters to modify for a new loc/event

If copying these files to a new directory to create a different event at this location, the following parameters in are particularly important to modify:

Custom Fortran code

No custom Fortran code was used for this project, only the standard Clawpack v5.8.0 code.

Post processing

Some other parameters in are only used in post-processing, see comments in these files in each Runs/LOC/EVENT directory.

Other postprocessing scripts are found in the directory common_python.

After running GeoClaw in each directory Runs/LOC/EVENT, the results are in Runs/LOC/EVENT/_output by default. This directory contains time frame results at the times listed in the fort.t* files, and also the fgmax results, in the file:

This file lists only the fgmax points, one per line. (Note this is a new format from that used in GeoClaw before v5.7.0.)

The files can be post-processed using the following files, which are the same for all locations/events and found in common_python:

To run on the CU cluster

Some of the computations were performed using computing time provided by the CU-CSDMS High-Performance Computing Cluster. The directory cu_cluster contains slurm scripts for compiling, running the code, making plots, and executing the post-processing scripts.

In event directory:

modify Makefile to set SCRATCH properly

submit job to run geoclaw:

`sbatch path-to/cu_cluster/run_geoclaw24.sbatch  # using 24 threads`

If doing a restart, use full path to scratch directory for checkpt file.

In scratch directory:

_plots should now exist with time frame plots, along with the results of the post-processing.

If not, one of the other scripts can be used:

Transfer plots and other output files:

We used a bash script like

executed from the event directory (after fixing the path and identifier) in order to transfer plots and output files to the UW web server for displaying plots and facilitating downloading of output files.