Timing information


Datetime: 2021-05-31 14:03 From: /rc_scratch/rale6846/WA_EMD_2021/Runs/Dungeness_Sequim/CSZ_XL1/_output

============================== Timing Data ============================== Integration Time (stepgrid + BC + overhead) Level Wall Time (seconds) CPU Time (seconds) Total Cell Updates 1 6.829 19.873 0.238E+05 2 29.186 188.657 0.257E+08 3 96.470 1343.126 0.540E+09 4 361.012 7716.903 0.348E+10 5 1527.715 36477.025 0.208E+11 6 4865.637 116367.858 0.403E+11 7 233973.619 5599510.724 0.207E+13 total 240860.469 5761624.168 0.214E+13 All levels: stepgrid 237003.399 5669382.468 BC/ghost cells 1441.584 34501.193 Regridding 7908.403 156585.936 Output (valout) 23.970 13.058 Total time: 193899.528 4618818.703 Using 24 thread(s) Note: The CPU times are summed over all threads. Total time includes more than the subroutines listed above Times for restart runs are cumulative Note: timings are also recorded for each output step in the file timing.csv. clock_rate = 1000000 per second, count_max = 9223372036854775807 clock_start = 1622297394421302, clock_finish = 1622491311993773 =========================================================================