Welcome to the Q Center Photo Tour

Getting here | In the hallway | The Staff Desk | Sofa lounge | Lending Library | Computers and printing | Conference room | Jennifer's office

Map of area around SchmitzGetting here

The Q Center is in Schmitz Hall Room 450. Schmitz Hall is located at the corner or University Way (the Ave) and 41st, just west of main campus. From Red Square, head down towards Odegaard Library and Meany Hall, down the steps, and across the footbridge over 15th Ave. Schmitz Hall is the big gray building.

To get here, use the Schmitz hall elevator to the 4th floor. Directly ahead as you exit the elevator, there's a waiting lounge - go to the hallway on the right. The Q Center is located all the way down the hallway.

Right outside the Q CenterIn the hallway

Right outside the Q Center door you'll find a bulletin board with information on resources for lgbtq communities, upcoming events and programs, and even free condoms and other types of contraception. Feel free to come by just to browse outside the door.

The Staff DeskThe Q Center Staff Desk

When you walk through the door, the first thing you'll see is the Q Center staff desk. Whoever sitting there is on duty and ready to help you with whatever question or concern you might have. You're welcome to come by and talk to us about whatever you want.

We try to do our best to make the Q Center an open, welcoming space for everyone. If the person at the staff desk isn't able to help you, they can refer you to someone who may. Finally, don't worry about signing in or anything like that - you can also just come by and look around and we won't bother you.

LoungeLounge and Tables

To the right of the staff desk we have a couple couches, a giant "Siesta Sak" beanbag, a rocking chair, and tables where you're welcome to come hang out, nap, eat lunch, read, study, or whatever. There's usually plenty of candy to munch on and the lounge area is filled with pamphlets, artwork, and exhibits you can browse through. Also, if you're part of a student group looking for meeting space, the Q Center lounge is available - contact us if you're interested.

Lending LibraryThe Lending Library

Four large bookshelves in the left corner make up the Q Center Lending Library - a collection of over 900 books, films, magazines, and other media. The library is made up of materials relating to lgbtq topics and characters, both fictional and non-fictional. You can drop by to peruse through what we have, sit down and read for a bit, and if you'd like, you can check out items from the library for two weeks at a time with renewals. To check something out, talk to whoever is sitting at the staff desk.

Computers and PrintingComputers and Printing

We have two Windows PCs with Microsoft Word and Excel available for you to check your e-mail, go on Facebook, work on assignments, or whatever. Feel free to come in and use them for anything you need. If you're in a bind and you need to print something out, we have a printer available, though please try to be respectful of our limited resources.

Conference RoomConference Room

The Q Center conference room - sometimes called the "Champagne Room" - is located down the back hallway next to Jennifer's office. It's usually empty and available if you're looking for a quiet place to study or relax or talk. If you need a safe space to have a private conversation, the room is perfect - just show up and it'll be made available for you. Additionally, the conference room is available for student groups who would like to use it for meetings or events - if you're interested, please let us know.

Jennifer's OfficeJennifer's Office

Last but not least, the back corner of the Q Center is the office of the Q Center Coordinator, Jennifer Self. She has a Masters in Social Work and is a licensed counselor, and she directs the Q Center's staff, programs, and activities. She is also available to talk with anyone from the UW community who is facing difficulties or questions related to their sexuality and identity. If you'd like to talk with Jennifer, it's best to e-mail ahead of time and set up an appointment, but if you stop by and she's available, that's okay too.