SDB Screens

SRF231 - Instructor Update

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                      I N S T R U C T O R   U P D A T E                     *J*
                                                                  9/09/10 09:48
QTR/YEAR:AUT/2010  SLN:19519   0-TRAIN  103 A   DUMMY

                                                         TS     %
                       ID        NAME                   PRT? INVOLVE
Meeting 1 of 1: LC  123456789 FACULTY,JOHN DOE           N      62 faculty
  T TH S 0700-0830P 987654321 INSTRUCTOR,RALPH  .        Y      28 staff
 HST      *         101010101 TEACHER,JANE               Y      10 faculty
 contact hours: 4.5 _________ _________________________  _     ___
                    _________ _________________________  _     ___
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                    _________ _________________________  _     ___
                    _________ _________________________  _     ___
                    _________ _________________________  _     ___
                    _________ _________________________  _     ___
                    _________ _________________________  _     ___
                    _________ _________________________  _     ___
                    _________ _________________________  _     ___

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Instructions for screen SRF231

To view a section: put in the QTR/YEAR and SLN. Hit enter. Once a section is up, you can move to the next section by hitting enter once or twice (depending on what other transactions you may have done). Alternatively, you can put and 'N' (for NEXT) or 'P' (for PREVIOUS) in the 'Action' field and hit enter.


To update an instructor: Enter the instructor's EID in the 'ID' field. If you want the instructor's name to appear in the online Time Schedule, put a 'Y' in the 'TS PRT' field. The first instructor with TS PRT=Y will appear on the main Time Schedule page. The first two instructors with TS PRT=Y will appear on the Course Section Status page. All instructors listed have full access to all instructional resources, regardless of TS PRT. If the instructor is the sole instructor for the section, put 100 in the '% INVOLVE' field. If more than one instructor, the '% INVOLVE' for all instructors per meeting must equal 100. Hit enter twice to make the change(s).

SRM234 | SDB Screen Index | SRF200

Screen last updated:August 28, 2015, 12:00 pm