Colleen Hammelman, Geography and Urban Studies, Temple University
Women worldwide carry out survival strategies that rely on connecting to physical resources, especially food, and to important social ties. This research seeks to better understand the spatial implications of this connectivity. It uses sketch mapping during in-depth interviews to better understand the spatiality of everyday lived experiences of food insecurity for displaced women in Medellín, Colombia, and Latina migrant domestic workers in Washington, DC. Framed by literature on poverty and critical food studies, mobility, and social networks, this research adds insight to the under theorized aspects of connectivity, how it influences the ability of women to meet their daily needs, especially obtaining food, and lessons that can be gleaned from contexts in both the global South and North. Focusing on these different contexts allows attending to how they are similarly and differently integrated into globalized processes that produce and reproduce poverty. This research also contributes a more nuanced understanding of the food insecurity experiences of individuals migrating into urban environments.
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