Ripple EffectsIdentificationTool

Selection Categories

The selections you have made:

Implementation Strategies:


Ripple Effects Categories

Here are the ripple effect categories associated with the selections you've made.
Which of these categories would you like to explore further?
Click each category to view details about that particular ripple effect.

Use of EBI strategies and insight in one's own life
The application of strategies and practices from an EBI in one's own life.
Youth client and caregiver outcomes
Client and caregiver thoughts, feelings, behaviors, symptoms, and functioning.
Clinical organization structure, relationships in the organization, process, and functioning
Elements associated with the organization, structure, process, functioning, and relationships within the organization, including organizational climate, organization's use of resources, supervisory relationships, job applicant pool, and referral rates.
Associated with: Clinical Supervision
Roles impacted: Therapists
Client engagement, therapeutic alliance, and client satisfaction
The degree to which clients are engaged and participating in the treatment planning and process, feelings of alliance and bond between client and therapist, and level of satisfaction with treatment.
Associated with: Survey Youth Clients and Families About EBP Implementation, Youth/Caregiver Participation and Leadership in EBP Implementation Planning and Evaluation
Roles impacted: Youth Clients
Clinical process and treatment quality
The process of clinical treatment, including treatment quality, the focus, length, assessment burden, time spent in active treatment, and effects on treatment as usual.
EBI treatment availability, access, participation, attendance, barriers & facilitators
The availability of an EBI in a region (e.g. whether there is a provider that is trained on the EBI), whether the EBI is accessible (e.g. whether there is no waiting list or other barriers to accessing the treatment), the actual use of and client participation in the EBI, and any barriers or facilitators that support the availability, access, and use of services.
Economic costs and benefits
Any monetary cost or benefit of the use of the implementation strategy.
Shifting roles, role clarity, task shifting
The degree to which the new intervention requires roles that clarifies or conflicts with existing roles, or changes role responsibilities.
Equity and stigma
Equity related to treatment availability, access, quality, and outcomes by race, ethnicity, or other identity group classification; stigma associated with mental health.
Gaming the system
Manipulating data or practice to achieve the image of an outcome that is not consistent with the spirit of the practice.
Associated with: Clinical Supervision
Roles impacted: Policy Makers, Caregivers
EBI Treatment adherence, fidelity, and alignment
The degree to which EBIs are delivered by therapists in a way that is consistent with EBI training.
General job-related ripple effects
Attitudes, feelings, beliefs about one's job and outcomes associated with those attitudes such as worker retention, job satisfaction, and job burnout.
General knowledge, skills, attitudes, and confidence about using Evidence Based Interventions
Any impact on the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and confidence of therapists, clients, caregivers, or others regarding the use of an Evidence Based Intervention.
Associated with: Collaboration with Advisory Boards and Workgroups, Clinical Supervision, EBP Implementation in Novel Setting, Mandate Change via Agency or State Policy, Youth and Caregiver Peer Support Providers, Survey Youth Clients and Families About EBP Implementation, Clinical Training, Using Agency Champions to Spearhead EBP Implementation, Youth/Caregiver Participation and Leadership in EBP Implementation Planning and Evaluation
Roles impacted: Therapists, Policy Makers, Caregivers, Youth Clients, Researchers, Researchers reporting on therapists, Researchers reporting on caregivers, Researchers reporting on youth

© 2024   UW School of Medicine   /   Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences   /   School Mental Health Assessment, Research, & Training Center
6200 NE 74th Street, Suite 110, Seattle, WA 98115-6560

University of Washington Department of Psychology
335 Guthrie Hall, Box 351525, Seattle, WA 98195