The i-DDEA Decision Support System is a research grade platform that is continuously under development. Users should use the outputs at their own risk as developers of the system do not accept any responsibility for erroneous data or outputs that may
trigger improper decision making.
How to Cite
The recommended citation for the i-DDEA is as follows: “Ahmad, S.K. and Hossain, F., 2019. A web-based decision support system for smart dam operations using weather forecasts. Journal of Hydroinformatics.”
Ahmad, S.K., F. Hossain, G. Holt, S. Galelli, and T. Pavelsky (2020) How Might Future Dams Modify Temperature of Rivers around the World? Earth’s Future (In revision)
Ahmad, S.K., Hossain, F. (2020). Realizing ecosystem-safe hydropower from dams. Renewables: Wind, Water, and Solar, 7(1), pp.1-23.
DOI: 10.1186/s40807-020-00060-9
Ahmad, S.K., Hossain, F. (2020). Forecast-Informed Hydropower Optimization at Long and Short-time scales for a Multiple Dam Network. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 12. DOI: 10.1063/1.5124097
Ahmad, S.K., Hossain, F. (2020). Maximizing Energy Production from Hydropower Dams using Short-Term Weather Forecasts. Renewable Energy 146, pp.1560-1577. DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2019.07.126
Ahmad, S.K., Hossain, F. (2019). A generic data-driven technique for forecasting of reservoir inflow: Application for hydropower maximization. Environ. Model. Softw 119, pp.145-167. DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2019.06.008
Ahmad, S.K., Hossain, F. (2019). A Web-Based Decision Support System for Smart Dam Operations Using Weather Forecasts. Journal of Hydroinformatics 21(5), pp.687-707. DOI: 10.2166/hydro.2019.116
Ahmad, S.K., Bonnema, M., Hossain, F. (2020). Generating more hydropower with less dams and better ecosystem outcomes: is it possible? International Water Power and Dam Construction Magazine, January 2020 issue, pp. 38-40.
Ahmad, S.K., Hossain, F. (2018). Generating More Hydropower Using Weather Forecasts. AWRA Impact May 2018 issue.
i-DDEA: Intelligent Dam Decisions and Assessment A Support System for Smarter Dam Operations