Teaching/Learning Guides
Travelers on the Silk Road

The intent of this page will be to provide bibliographic information and annotation for accounts about travelers on the Silk Road and for at least some of the most interesting travel accounts and historical records that may be based on information from travelers. Part of the Silk Road Seattle project is to make travel accounts available on line (they are linked to "Texts" on our opening page).

  • To a considerable degree our refernce material on travelers can be supplemented and eventually will be superseded by an ongoing Internet-based guide to Travelers on the Silk Road being compiled by Adela Lee of the Silkroad Foundation and Daniel C. Waugh of the University of Washington. To date the project has some 40-50 entries, compiled about a year ago. We hope that work on this guide will resume in the upcoming months. The section of the guide to date begins with the Han era and comes down to the seventeenth century. A separate page for "modern" travelers (i.e., those from the eighteenth century onwards) will eventually be created. Entries are arranged in chronological order of the travel. They include a short description of the itinerary, and a link to a bibliography page for basic primary and secondary source references. Links are provided to web-based editions of the travel accounts if such exist.

  • For the famous Swedish explorer of Central Asia in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, Sven Hedin, Prof. Waugh has provided a brief on-line chronology and a lengthy annotated bibliography. Hedin's voluminous writings in their time were extraordinarily popular, and his material is still mined for its valuable geographic and cultural information.

    This page will be expanded soon.

    © 2001 Daniel C. Waugh. Last updated December 23, 2001.

    Silk Road Seattle is a project of the Walter Chapin Simpson Center for the Humanities at the University of Washington.