State Historical Museum, Moscow :: Early Rus Period

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Miscellaneous women’s ornaments.
Early Rus.

Scandinavian type.
Early Rus.
Arab Dirhams.
Hoard found at Gnezdovo, near Smolensk.
Bit and bridle straps decorated with gold.
Early Rus.
Scales and weights (imported).
Early Rus.
East Slavic (early Rus).
Plowshare and diagram of scratch plow (sokha).
Early Rus.
Early Rus, 9th-13th c. CE.
Early Rus.
Glass objects: bracelets, bottles.
Kiev, 12th-1st half 13th c CE.
Hoard of 56 grivny (silver).
Kiev, end 12th-beg. 13th c. CE.
Fragments of metal decoration of eaves of Cathedral of Dormition, Vladimir (2nd half 12th c.); fresco fragments, Cath. of S. George, Iur’ev Monastery, Novgorod, 1119.
Golosniki (resonance pots).
Cathedral of S. Nicholas, Novgorod, 1113.
Pendant and other silver jewelry from Treasure of Mikhail-Zlatoverkhnyi Monastery, Kiev, end 12th-beg. 13th c.
Objects in hoard range in date from 10th-11th c. to end of 12th c. Found in 1903.

From Treasure of Mikhail-Zlatoverkhii Monastery, Kiev, end 12th-beg. 13th c.
Objects in hoard range in date from 10th-11th c. to end of 12th c.
Found in 1903.
Jewelry from Kievan Rus finds.
Earrings and necklace.
Gold, enamel.
1st half 12th c.
Hoard found 1840s near Church of the Tithe, Kiev.
Necklace with medallions.
Silver, engraved, gilding.
12th-1st quarter 13th c.
Found 1851 near village of Isady (between Vladimir and Suzdal’), Vladimir obl., by A. S. Uvarov.
Engraved silver.
12th-1st quarter 13th c.
From hoard found in 1904 at Sviatoe ozero near vill. of Nizovka, Chernigov obl.
Helmet (reconstruction).
Early 13th c., Rus.