State Historical Museum, Moscow :: Turkic Peoples of the Steppe

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Miscellaneous objects from Khazar sites: Semikarakorskaia fort, Khar’kov and Voronezh provinces.
Included are bronze mirrors and Arab silver dirhams.
From Khazar site.
Stone statue.
Polovtsian. 12th c. CE.
Vill. of Stupka, Donets obl.
Polovtsian, 12th-beg. 13th c.
Donets obl.
Mirror (bronze) and arrow head (iron).
Polovtsian (?), 11th-14th c.

Volga Bulgaria.
Fedorov-Davydov, pp. 163-166, pls. 125-127.
Pot with silver ingots.
Volga Bulgaria.
Miscellaneous objects mainly carved from bone.
Volga Bulgaria.

Decorations and jewelry.
Gold, semi-precious stones.
Volga Bulgaria.
Glass, semi-precious stones.
Volga Bulgaria.
11th-14th c. Adyghe Cherkess burial, N. Caucasus.
Stem cup.
Silver, gilding.
Golden Horde.
Belt cup.
Silver, gilding.
Golden Horde.



Miscellaneous objects in gold, set with precious stones.
Golden Horde (Jochi Ulus).
Simferopol Hoard.
Filigree jewelry.
Golden Horde (Jochi Ulus).
Islamic coins.
Golden Horde (Jochi Ulus).
Simferopol Hoard.
Golden Horde (Jochi Ulus).
Flasks (imported).
Golden Horde (Jochi Ulus).
Imported Chinese porcelain cup.
Golden Horde (Jochi Ulus).
Ceramic object.
Golden Horde (Jochi Ulus).

Ceramic ware.
14th-beg. of 15th c.
Golden Horde (Jochi Ulus): Gorodishche Selitrennoe (Sarai Berke).
Reconstruction of pottery kiln.
Golden Horde (Jochi Ulus).
Golden Horde (Jochi Ulus).
Ceramic tile.
14th-beg. of 15th c.
From Mandzhara, Golden Horde (Ulus Jochi).
Decorative wood carving.
14th-beg. 15th c.
Mandzhara, Golden Horde (Jochi Ulus).
Clay plumbing pipe.
Mandzhara, Golden Horde (Jochi Ulus).
Cannon ball.
Golden Horde (Jochi Ulus).
Golden Horde (Jochi Ulus).
From Simferopol hoard.
Inscription reads: “Thanks to the force of Eternal Heaven and the aid of the Almighty Power and Radiance, the decree of Keldibek [is] that all who do not respect this [decree] shall be killed and die.”
Inv. no. 99264/2013 No. 328. GE/GIM Altyn Urda no. 305, pp. 74, 290.
Paiza of Golden Horde Khan Ozbeg, 1st half of 14th c.
Inscription reads: “By the order of Eternal Heaven, the decree of Khan Ozbeg [is that] a person who does not submit to the Mongols is guilty and shall die.”