Musée Guimet:: Afghanistan: Hadda

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The Buddhist monastery complex at Hadda in Eastern Afghanistan, not far from Kandahar, yielded a rich trove of sculpture and painting during the French excavations of the late 1930s.


Additional references (not consulted):

  • J. Barthoux. Les fouilles de Hadda. I. Stupas et sites, textes et dessins. Mémoires de la Délégation Archéologique Française en Afghanistan, t. 4. Paris 1933.
  • J. Barthoux. Les fouilles de Hadda. III. Figures et figurines, album photographique. Mémoires de la Délégation Archéologique Française en Afghanistan, t. 6. Paris 1930.
  • B. Dagens. "Fragments de sculpture inédits." In: B. Dagens - M. Le Berre - D. Schlumberger. Monuments préislamiques d'Afghanistan. Mémoires de la Délég. Arcgéol. Franç. en Afghan., t. 19. Paris 1964: 9-39.
  • J. Hackin. "Les fouilles de la Délégation Archéologique Française à Hadda (Afghanistan), missions Foucher - Godard - Barthoux (1923-1928)." Revue des Arts Asiatiques (Paris), 5/2 (1928): 66-76.
  • J. Barthoux. "Bagh-Gai." Revue des Arts Asiatiques (Paris), 5/2 (1928): 77-81.
  • Z. Tarzi. "Tapa-e-Top-e-Kalân (TTK) of Hadda." In: South Asian Archaeology 1987. Ed. by M. Taddei, P. Callieri. (=IsMEO, Serie Orientale Roma, vol. LXVI, part 2). Rome, 1990: 707-726.

    Click on thumbnail for full view

    SE face of Stupa B 23.
    Hadda. Monastery of Bagh-Gai. 3rd-4th c. CE.
    Barthoux Expedition 1927-1928, unnumbered.
    Mural decoration of S. façade of B 56.
    Hadda, Monastery of Bagh-Gai. 3rd-4th c. CE.
    Barthoux expedition 1927-28. Inv. no.: MG 17442.
    Monastery of Bagh-Gai B56. 3rd-4th c. CE.
    Barthoux expedition 1927-1928. Inv. no.: MG 17299.
    Standing Buddha.
    Monastery of Bagh-Gai B56. 3rd-4th c. CE.Mural from façade.
    Barthoux expedition 1927-1928. Inv. no.: MG 17320.
    Detail, central section of arcade on façade.
    Hadda. Monastery of Bagh-Gai B56. Painted stucco.
    Barthoux Expedition 1927-1928. Inv. no.: MG 17320.
    Head of a donor (?).
    Monastery of Bagh-Gai. 3rd-4th c. CE. Stucco.
    Inv. no.: B 65/70.
    A donor or believer.
    Monastery of Bagh-Gai. 3rd-4th c. CE. Stucco.
    Barthoux expedition 1927-1928. Inv. no.: MG 17434

    Steps leading to platform of Stupa C1.
    Hadda, Monastery of Chakhil-i-Ghoundi. 2nd-3rd. c. CE. Limestone.
    Inv. no.: MG 17191, with fragment from collection of Museum of Tokyo, TC 434.
    Capital of Stupa C1.
    Hadda, Monastery of Chakhil-i-Ghoundi.
    Barthoux expedition 1928. Inv. no.: MG 17418.
    Scenes from the life of the Buddha.
    Hadda, Monastery of Chakhil-i-Ghoundi. 3rd-4th c. CE. Limestone with traces of polychrome.
    Barthoux expedition 1928. Inv. no.: MG 17443.

    Steps for base of stupa.
    Hadda, Monastery of Tapa-i Kafariha. 2nd-3rd c. CE.
    Barthoux expedition 1928. Unnumbered.
    Elements of architectural relief: transportation of relics; decorative border.
    Hadda, Monastery of Tapa-i Kafariha (?). 3rd c. CE (?). Schist.
    Barthoux expedition 1928. Inv. nos.: MG 17202, 17310.
    Female head.
    Hadda, Monastery of Tapa-i Kafariha, Stupa K1. 3rd-4th c. CE. Stucco.
    Barthoux expedition 1928. Inv. no.: MG 17238.
    Hadda, Monastery of Tapa-i Kafariha, Stupa K20. 3rd c. CE. Sandstone, traces of polychrome.
    Barthoux expedition 1928. Inv. no.: MG 17203.
    Head of Buddha.
    Hadda, Monastery of Tapa-i Kafariha. 3rd-4th c. CE.
    Barthoux expedition 1928. Inv. no.: MG 17292.
    Portal decoration: scenes from the life of the Buddha.
    Hadda, Monastery of Tapa-i Kafariha. 3rd-4th c. CE. Schist.
    Barthoux expedition 1928. Inv. nos.: MG 17435.
    Fragment of portal decoration.
    Hadda, Monastery of Tapa-i Kafariha. 3rd-4th c. CE. Schist.
    Barthoux expedition 1928.
    Stupa. Fragment of portal decoration.
    Hadda, Monastery of Tapa-i Kafariha. 3rd-4th c. CE. Schist.
    Barthoux expedition 1928. Inv. no.: 17224.
    Head of a donor or believer.
    Hadda, Monastery of Tapa-i Kafariha (?). Red clay.
    Barthoux expedition 1928. Inv. no.: MG 17283.
    Fragment of the decoration of a niche.
    Hadda, Monastery of Tapa-i Kafariha (?). Stucco.
    Barthoux expedition 1928.
    Heads of Buddhist statues.
    Hadda. Monastery of Tapa-Kalan. 3rd-4th c. CE. Stucco (?).
    Inv. nos.: MG 17273 (TK68), 17437 (TK8), 17448, and w/o number.
    Painted niche TK17 with Buddha statue.
    Hadda. Monastery of Tapa-Kalan. 3rd c. CE. Inv. nos.: MG 21810, 19157. Stucco.
    Inv. nos.: MG 21810, 19157.

    Stupa TK 23.
    Hadda. Monastery of Tapa-Kalan. 4th-5th c. CE. Stucco, traces of polychrome. H.: 162 cm.
    Barthoux expedition 1927. Inv. no.: MG 17156. Jarrige et. al., p. 17; website
    Buddhist sculpture.
    Hadda, Monastery of Tapa-Kalan TK 67. 3rd-4th c. CE. Stucco.
    Barthoux expedition 1927. Inv. no.: MG 17351.
    Heads of buddhist figures and devotees.
    Hadda. Monastery of Tapa-Kalan. Stupas TK 67-68. 3rd-4th c. CE. Stucco.
    Inv. nos.: MG 17115, 17135, 17127, 17307, 17118, 17113, 17364, 17178.

    Part of base of stupa TK95.
    Hadda. Monastery of Tapa-Kalan. 4th-5th c. CE (?). Limestone and stucco.
    Inv. no.: MG 17187.

    Details of Stupa TK 121.
    Hadda. Monastery of Tapa-Kalan. 4th-5th c. CE. Stucco with traces of polychrome.
    Inv. no.: MG 9.
    Hadda. Monastery of Tapa-Kalan. 3rd-4th c.> Barthoux expedition 1927.
    Buddha Shakyamuni
    Hadda. Monastery of Tapa-Kalan (?)