Musée Guimet:: China: From the Sui through the Song Dynasties

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As in other cases, the chronological boundaries between this selection of objects and the adjoining ones are not always sharply defined. So if one is interested in the earliest or latest parts of the long period, it may be well to check on the other web pages for relevant material. The arrangement here is roughly chronological and then by subject matter.


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The Buddha Vairocana and disciples Ananda and Kashyapa (left to rt.): 1) Sui pd., end of 6th-beg. of 7th c. CE. Marble with traces of polychrome; 2) N. China (Shandong). N. Qi pd. (550-577). Sandstone, traces of polychrome; 3) Sui pd., end of 6th-beg. of 7th c. CE. Marble, traces of polychrome.
Inv. nos.: AA 191, MA 7106; AA 192.
The seven buddhas of the past seated on a lotus.
Sui pd., 585 CE (5th year of the Kaihuang era). Gilded bronze.
Inv. no.: MA 1780.
The boddhisatva Samantabadhra.
Sui pd., end of 6th-beg. of 7th c. CE. Marble with traces of polychrome.
Inv. no.: MO (?=MG) 18624.
The bodhisattva Manjushri.
Sui pd., 6th c. CE. Limestone.
Inv. no.: MG 26315.
Bactrian camel.
N. China. End of Sui or beg. of T'ang, 1st half of 7th c. CE. Gray terracotta, traces of polychrome.
Jacques Polain coll. Inv. no.: MA 6842.
Sui or T'ang pd. Gilded bronze.
Inv. no.: MG 17086.
Standing Buddha.
Sui or T'ang pd. Gilded bronze.
Inv. no.: MG 17081.
Sui or T'ang pd. Gilded bronze.
Inv. no.: MG 17083.
Sui or T'ang pd. Gilded bronze.
Inv. no.: EO 2543.
Avalokiteshvara triad.
Sui or T'ang pd. Gilded bronze.
Inv. no.: MG 17096.
N. China. T'ang pd., 7th-8th c. CE. Terracotta, traces of polychrome.
Inv. no.: MG 18260.
Foreign groom.
N. China, Henan or Shaanxi. T'ang, 8th c. CE. Terracotta, traces of polychrome.
Jacques Polain coll. Inv. no.: MA 6110.
Foreign groom.
N. China. T'ang pd., 7th c. CE. Terracotta, polychrome.
Jacques Polain coll. Inv. no.: MA 6108.
Mounted falconer.
T'ang pd., 2nd half of 7th c. CE. Terracotta, polychrome.
Jacques Polain coll. Inv. no.: MA 6114.
Mounted musician.
Central China (Henan). T'ang pd., end 7th-beg. 8th c. CE. Terracotta, sancai colored glaze.
Inv. no.: MA 3991.
T'ang pd., 8th c. Terracotta, sancai colored glaze.
Rousset coll. Inv. no.: MA 4722.
Foreign merchant.
End of 7th-beg. of 8th c. CE. Terracotta with sancai colored glaze.
Inv. no.: MA 6124.
Foreign caravaneer.
T'ang pd., 7th c. CE. Terracotta, polychrome.
Jacques Polain coll. Inv. no.: MA 6107.
Foreign groom.
N. China. T'ang pd., end 7th c. CE. Terracotta, polychrome.
Jacques Polain coll. Inv. no.: MA 2962.
Loaded camel and rider.
T'ang pd., mid-7th c. CE. Terracotta, polychromed; iron. 43.5 x 36 cm.
Inv. no.: MA 6721. Website.
Horse and its foreign groom.
N. China. T'ang pd., 8th c. CE. Terracotta.
Inv. no. MA 6865.
Polo players.
T'ang pd., 1st half 8th c. CE. Red terracotta with slip and polychrome.
Jacques Polain collection. Inv. nos.: MA 6116-MA 6121.
T'ang pd., 8th-9th c. CE. Terracotta, clear slip, polychrome. H.: 47 cm.
Jacques Polain coll. Inv. no.: MA 6106. Website.
N. China, Shaanxi. T'ang pd., end of 7th c.-beg. of 8th c. CE. Terracotta, polychrome.
Jacques Polain coll. Inv. no.: MA 6105.
Court lady.
T'ang pd., end of 7th-beg. of 8th c. CE. Terracotta, polychrome.
Rousset collection. Inv. no.: MA 4724.
T'ang pd., end of 7th-beg. of 8th c. CE. Terracotta, polychrome.
Rousset collection. Inv. no.: MA 4717.
Five servants.
N. China. T'ang pd., 7th c. CE. Moulded terracotta, polychrome over slip.
Rousset collection. Inv. nos. MA 4691-93, 4696.
Dancers and courtiers.
N. China (Shaanxi). T'ang pd., end 7th-beg. 8th c. CE. White terracotta, lead glaze.
Jacques Polain coll. Inv. nos. include: MA 6101, 6103, 6104.
T'ang pd., mid-7th c. White terracotta, lead glaze.
Jacques Polain coll. Inv. nos.: MA 6122a,b.
Two dancers.
N. China. T'ang pd., 7th c. CE. Terracotta, polychrome.
Rousset coll. Inv. nos.: MA 4709, 4710.
Five dancers.
N. China. T'ang pd., 2nd half of 7th c. CE. Terracotta, painted over slip.
Rousset coll. Inv. nos.: MA 4687, 4292, 4699, 4686, 4698.
Six musicians.
N. China. T'ang pd., 7th c. CE. Moulded terracotta, painted over slip.
Rousset coll. Inv. nos.: MA 4700-4705.
Three musicians.
N. China. T'ang pd., 1st half of 7th c. CE. Terracotta, painted over slip.
Rousset coll. Inv. nos.: 4680-4682.
Three musicians.
N. China. T'ang pd., mid-7th c. CE. Terracotta, traces of polychrome.
Rousset coll. Inv. nos. MA 4706, 4707, 4688.
Celestial dancer.
N. China, T'ang pd., mid-8th c. CE. Gilded bronze.
Inv. no.: MG 17079.
Seated Buddha.
N. China, T'ang pd., 7th-8th c. CE. Gilded bronze.
Inv. no.: MA 94.
Miniature altar.
T'ang pd. (?). Gilded bronze.
N. China, T'ang pd., 7th c. CE. Stone.
Inv. no.: MA 6998..
N. China, T'ang pd., 7th-8th c. CE. Gilded bronze with traces of polychrome.
Inv. no.: EO 1578.
Funerary urn in form of stupa.
Central China. 8th c. CE. Terracotta with traces of polychrome.
Inv. no.: MA 5970.
T'ang pd. (?). Terracotta with green glaze.
Pitcher with cock's head.
T'ang pd., 8th-9th c. CE. Terracotta with sancai colored glaze.
T'ang pd., 1st half 8th c. CE. Silver with engraving and gilding.
Inv. no.: MA 3922.
Stem cup.
T'ang pd., beg. of 8th c. CE. Silver, gilding, engraving.
Inv. no.: MA 4792.
Lobed dish.
T'ang pd. Silver, gilding, engraving.
Polylobed box.
End of T'ang or 5 Dynasties pd., 10th c. CE. Silver, with gilding.
Inv. no.: MA 6588.
N. China, 5 Dynasties pd., 10th c. CE. Silver, gilding.
Inv. no.: MA 6941.
Seated bodhisattva.
China, 5 Dynasties or late T'ang period. 10th c. CE
Inv. no.: MA 6995.
Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara.
Central China. 5 Dynasties or Song pd., 10th-11th c. CE. Polychromed wood.
Inv. no.: MG 19103.
1000-armed 1000-eyed Avalokiteshvara.
N. China, 5 Dynasties pd. Wood, lacquered and gilded.
Inv. no.: MG 26626.
Reliquary and relics.
Song pd. (960-1279). Silver; interior casket, gold; bone and rock crystal relics.
Inv. no.: MA 6324.
Reiquary stupa of Qian Hongchu, ruler of Wuye, who offered 84,000 replicas of stupa of Asoka.
Song pd., 986 CE (3rd year of Yongxi era). Silver.
Inv. no.: MG 24289.
Lobed plate.
12th-13th c. CE. Wood, lacquer.
Inv. no.: MA 3266.
Song pd., end of 11th, beg. of 12th c. CE. Cizhou ware. Recovered from wreck of junk Breaker, sunk ca. 1100 off an island SW of the Island of Palanan.
Seated monk.
Northern Song, 10th-12th c. Wood, lacquered and gilded.
Inv. no.: MA 6997.
The bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara on Mt. Potalaka.
N. China, Song period (960-1279). Limestone.
Inv. no.: EO 2444.
The bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara on Mt. Potalaka.
N. China, Song or Jin pd. Wood, gilded with polychrome.
Inv. no.: MG 17491.
Head of boddhisatva Avalokiteshvara.
N. China. Song or Yuan period. Stone.
Inv. no.: MG 26627.