Musée Guimet: China, from the Han up to the Sui

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Most of the objects illustrated here are attibuted to the periods of the Northern and Eastern Wei dynasties, approximately the beginning of the fifth, down to the middle of the sixth centuries. It is possible that some objects contained on the web page that starts with the Sui period belong in the group here and vice versa.


Jean-François Jarrige et al. National museum Arts asiatiques - Guimet. Paris: Éditions de la Réunion des musées nationaux, 2001.

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Inner Mongolia, Xianbei work. End of 3rd-beg. of 4th c. CE. Iron (?), covered with gold foil.
Inv. no.: MA 7052.
Inner Mongolia. N. Wei pd., end of 5th c. CE. Gold.
Inv. no.: MA 6947.
Seated Buddha.
N. China, Grottes of Gongxian (Henan). N. Wei pd., 2nd half 6th c. CE. Grey sandstone.
Inv. no.: AA 194.
The bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara.
E. Wei pd., 542 CE. Marble.
Inv. no.: MG 18284.
A bodhisattva seated in position of royal ease.
Longmen grottoes (Henan). 6 Dynasties pd., beg. of 6th c. CE. Limestone.
Inv. no.: MA 3913.
Head of a divine worshipper.
Yungang (Shanxi). End of 5th c. CE. Stone.
Inv. no.: MG 18560.
Apotheosis of the descent to earth of Maitreya
N. Wei pd., 504 CE (1st year of Zhengshi era). Limestone.
Inv. no.: MG 26314.
Shakyamuni Buddha.
Yungang (Shaanxi), Grotto 26 (?). N. Wei pd., between 490 and 505 CE. Grey sandstone. 129 x 40.5 cm.
Inv. no.: EO 2730. Jarrige et al., p. 96; website.
Votive stele with Buddhist trinity.
N. China (Shanxi?). N. Wei pd., 528 CE (1st year of Yong'an era). Limestone.
Inv. no.: EO 1324.
Bodhisattva (Avalokiteshvara?).
N. China. E. Wei pd. (534-540 CE). Gray limestone. 116 x 40.5 cm. I
Inv. no.: MA 6751. Jarrige et al., p. 97.
Bodhisattva musician playing on zither (qin).
Yungang (?). N. Wei pd., 6th c. CE.
Inv. no.: MG 18914.
Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara.
N. Wei pd., beg. of 6th c. CE. Gilded bronze.
Inv. no.: MA 533.
Seated Buddha.
N.Wei pd., 2nd half of 5th c. CE. Gilded bronze. Approx. 5 cm. high.
Inv. no.: MA 1116.
Seated Buddha.
Central China. N. Wei or Liu Song dynasty, 478 CE. (2nd year of Shengming era). Gilded bronze.
Inv. no.: MG 18911.
The Buddha Shakyamuni and two donors.
E. Wei pd., 544 CE (2nd year of Wuding era). Limestone.
Inv. no.: EO 2064.
Buddhas Shakyamuni and Prabhutaratna.
N. China (Hebei). N. Wei pd., 518 CE. Gilt bronze. 26 x 16.7 cm.
Inv. no.: EO 2604. Jarrige et al., pp. 94, 95.
Fragment of votive stupa with scenes from the life of the Buddha and the Lotus Sutra.
N. Wei pd., 6th c. CE. Stone.
Inv. no.: MA 1175.
Standing Buddha.
N. Qi Dynasty, ca. 550 CE. Stone.
Inv. no.: MA 2686
Votive stele with Buddhist triad.
N. Qi Dynasty, Third quarter of 6th c. CE. Gray limestone.
Inv. no.: EO 2076.
Head of Buddha.
N. Qi Dynasty, mid-6th c. CE. Red sandstone with blackish patina.
Inv. no.: EO 2550.
Two-sided votive stele.
N. China (Hebei). N. Qi pd., mid-6th c. CE. White marble with traces of polychrome. 155 x 80 x 30 cm.
Inv. no.: MA 6346. Jarrige et al., p. 98.
Seated chimera.
N. or central China. Beg. of 6th c. CE. Stone.
Inv. no.: AA324.
Caparisoned horse.
N. China. N. Wei pd., 5th-6th c. CE. Gray terracotta, polychrome.
Calmann coll. Inv. no. MA 3917.
Four seated musicians.
N. China, Wei pd., 1st half 6th c. CE. Moulded terracotta, traces of polychrome on slip.
Rousset coll. Inv. nos.: MA 4667-4670.
The bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara.
N. Zhou pd., 2nd half of 6th c. CE. Limestone with traces of polychrome and gilding.
Donated by Osvald Siren. Inv. no.: EO 2070.
Bottle in form of pilgrim flask.
N. Qi pd., 2nd half 6th c. CE. Terracotta with green glaze.
Inv. no.: EO 2933.