Musée Guimet:: South Asia: Pakistan, India

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Note that the artistic and broader cultural spheres reflected in this art of nearly two millennia ago do not confine themselves to anything resembling the modern national borders. Thus, analogous works of, for example, Gandharan Buddhist art, will be found on the various web pages for Afghanistan. A good many of the works of Gandharan art displayed here were obtained by Alfred Foucher during his expedition of 1895-97 in the region. So far there is only minimal material here from the Guimet's very rich Indian collections, a deficiency I hope to remedy in a future visit to the museum.


Jean-François Jarrige et al. National museum Arts asiatiques - Guimet. Paris: Éditions de la Réunion des musées nationaux, 2001.

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Gandharan region of Pakistan. 1st-3rd c. CE. Steatite.
Inv. no.: MG 18575.
Head of a donor.
Gandharan region of Pakistan. 3rd c. CE. Baked clay.
Inv. no.: MA 5151.
The bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara.
Pakistan, Gandhara region. 3rd c. CE. Bronze with high tin content.
Inv. no.: MA 12128. Website (allows rotating the statue to see it from all sides).
Pakistan, Gandhara region. 1st-3rd c. CE. Schist. 84 x 28 cm.
Inv. no.: AO 2908. Jarrige et. al., pp. 14-15.
A deva and a bodhisattva. Episode of the miracle at Savrasti or a paradise scene.
Pakistan, Gandhara region. 1st-3rd c. CE. Schist.
Inv. no.: MA 3757.
Standing Buddha.
Pakistan, Gandhara region. 1st-3rd c. CE. Schist.
Inv. no.: MA 6284.
Standing Buddha, details.
Pakistan, Gandhara region. 1st-3rd c. CE. Schist.
Inv. no.: MA 8146. Website (scroll down).
Standing bodhisattva.
Pakistan, Gandhara region, Monastery of Shahbaz-Garhi. 1st-3rd c. CE. Schist. H.: 120 cm.
Inv. no.: AO 2907. Website.
Head of the Buddha.
Pakistan, Gandhara region, Monastery of Kharkai. 1st-3rd c. CE. Schist.
Inv. no.: AO 2903.
Head of the Buddha.
Pakistan, Gandhara region, Monastery of Shahbaz-Garhi. 3rd c. CE. Stucco.
Inv. no.: AO 2960.
Bodhisattva. Pakistan, Gandhara region. 1st-3rd c. CE. Schist.
Inv. no.: MG 18915.
The Buddhas of the Future and Past (Maitreya and Prabhutaratna).
Pakistan, Gandhara region, Bruner Valley. 1st-3rd c.
Inv. nos.: AO 2926, MG 16994.
Scenes of court women's entertainments.
Pakistan, Gandhara region, Bruner Valley. 1st-3rd c. CE. Schist.
Inv. no.: AO 2956.
Pakistan, Gandhara region. 1st-3rd c. CE. Schist.
Inv. no.: MG 17843.
Pakistan, Gandhara region. 1st-3rd c. CE. Schist.
Inv. no.: AO 2919.
Pakistan, Gandhara region. 1st-3rd c. CE. Schist.
Inv. no.: AO 428.
Tympanum, with scenes of veneration of the Buddha.
Pakistan, Gandhara region. 3rd c. CE (?). Schist.
Inv. no.: AO 2116.


Uttar Pradesh, Mathura region. Kushan pd., end of 1st-beg. of 2nd c. CE. Red sandstone.
Inv. no.: MA 6774.
Woman presenting an offering.
Uttar Pradesh, Mathura region. Kushan pd., end of 1st-beg. of 2nd c. CE. Red sandstone.
Inv. no.: MA 4798.
Uttar Pradesh, Mathura region. Kushan pd., end of 1st-beg. of 2nd c. CE. Red sandstone.
Inv. no.: MA 17849.
Uttar Pradesh, Mathura region. Kushan pd., 2nd c. CE. Red sandstone. 116 x 66 cm.
Inv. no.: MG 18214. Jarrige et al., pp. 38-39; website.