Fine Arts Museum, Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia)

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Pre-modern art Zanabazar and his school Buddhist ritual painting Other Buddhist arts and images Miscellaneous painting

The Fine Arts Museum as yet has no presence on the Internet, which is unfortunate, since the collections of Buddhist art in particular are noteworthy. The selection presented here highlights the exquisite sculptures in metal of the school of Zanabazar, the most important religious and political leader in Mongolia in the late 17th century. Other highlights of this selection are from the outstanding collection of scroll paintings or tankas, and the papier-mache masks sculpted for the ritual Tsam dances. In a few instances I do not have full captions.

A useful "Introduction to the Art of Mongolia" is the essay by Terese Tse Bartholomew of the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, written to accompany an exhibit held there in 1995. On the “Unique tankas” in the museum, see the brief article in the on-line Mongolia Today.

Images of some of the works may be found in the following:



For information about the iconography of individual divinities, consult:

Thurman and Rhie: