ABBELOOS, J. B. " Life and Acts of Mari " (in " Analecta Bollandiana, Tome IV).

ABBELOOS, J. B., and LAMP, T. J. The Chronicon Ecclesiasticum of Bar Hebraeus, 3 vols., Syriac and Latin, Louvain, 1872-77.

ASSEMANI, J. S. Bibliotheca Orientalis, Vol. III, Part II.

AWGIN, MAR. For the Syriac version of his Life, see Bedjan, Acta Martyrum, Vol. III, Paris, 1892 (PP. 376-480).

BACHMANN, W. Kirchen and Moschen in Armenien and Kurdistan, Leipzig, 1913.

BADGER, G. P. The Nestorians and Their Rituals, 2 vols., London, 1852.

BAR HEBRAEUS, GREGORY ABU'L-FARAJ. Chyonicon Syriacum, 1789, edited and translated by P. J. Bruns and G. G. Kirsch 2 vols. Syriac and Latin, Leipzig. An edition of this Chronicle was published by Bedjan at Paris in 1890.

    Chronicon Ecclesiasticum, edited and translated by J. B. Abbeloos and T. J. Lamy, 3 vols., Syriac and Latin, Louvain, 1872-77.

BAUMSTARK, A. Geschichte der Syrischen Literatur, Bonn, 1911.

BEDJAN, P. Histoire de Mar Jab-alaha, Patriarche, et de Rabban Sauma, 2nd ed., Paris, 1895.
    Livre d'Heraclide, Paris, 1910
    "Life of Mar Mari" (in Acta Martyrum, Vol. I, Paris, 1890),
    "Life of Mar Awgin" (in Acta Martyrum, Vol. III, Paris, 1892).
    Kethabha dhe Makhtebhanuth Zabhne, Paris, 1890.

BETHUNE BAKER, J. F. Nestorius and His Teaching, Cambridge, 1908,

BREHIER, L. L'Eglise et l'Orient au MoyenAge, Paris, 1921.

BRETSCHNEIDER, E. Mediaeval Researches from Eastern Asiatic Sources, 2 vols., London, 1910.

BRUNS, P. J., and KIRSCH, G. G. The Chronicon Syriacum of Bar Hebraeus, 2 vols., Syraic and Latin, Leipzig, 1789.

BUDGE, E. A. WALLIS. The Book of Governors, the Historia Monastica of Thomas, Bishop of Marga, A.D. 840, 2 vols., London, 1893.
    The Histories of Rabban Hormizd the Persian and Rabban Bar-`Idta, 3 vols., London, 1902.

CHABOT, J. B.Histoire de Mar Jabalaha III et du moine Rabban Cauma, Paris, 1895.

DRIVER, G. R. The Bazaar of Heracleides, Oxford, 1925.

DUVAL, R. La Litteratuye Syriaque, Paris, 1899.

ETHERIDGE, J. W. Syrian Churches, London, 1846.

GIBBON, E. History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (Smith's edition), Vol. VI, London, 1855 (the sections dealing with Nestorius and the Nestorians).

GISMONDI, H. Maris, Amri et Slibae de patriarchis Nestorianorum commentaria, Rome, 1896-99.

HAMMER-PURGSTALL, J. von. Geschichte der Ilchane, Darmstadt [still a very useful book].

HAVRET, G. La stele chretienne de Si-ngan fou Chang-Hai, 1895. [A volume in the Series Varietes Sinologiques, B.M. Press-mark 15235 C.]


HOFFMAN, G. Auszuge aus Syrischen Akten Persischen Martyrer, Leipzig,, 1880.

HOWORTH, H. H. History of the Mongols, London, 1876--88.

JANIN, R. Les Eglises Orientales, Paris, 1922.

KRUMBACHER, K. Geschichte der Byzantinischen Litteratur (2nd edition), Munich, 1897.

LABOURT, J. Le christianisme dans L'Empiye Perse, Paris, 1904.

LE STRANGE, G. Mesopotamia and Persia under the Mongols in the XIVth Century, London, 1903.
    The Lands of the Eastern Caliphate, Cambridge,1905.
    Baghdad during the Abbasid Caliphate, Oxford, 1900 and Reprint, 1924.

LI UNG BING. Outlines of Chinese History, Shanghai, 1914. [Edited by Professor Whiteside, of Soochow, China.]

LOOFS, F. Nestoyius and His Place in the History of Christian Doctrine, Cambridge, 1924.

LUKE, H. C. Mosul and its Minorities, London, 1925.

MUIR, W. The Caliphate, London, 1891.

MARI, MAR. For the Syriac version of his Life, see Bedjan, Acta Martyrum, Vol. I, Paris, (pp. 45-94).

MINGANA, A. The Early Spread of Christianity in Central Asia and the Far East, Manchester, 1925.


MONTGOMERY, J. A. History of Yaballaha III, New York, 1927. [Contains an English translation of Bedjan's Syriac text from pp. 3-99.]

MOSHEIM, J. L. von. Institutionum historiae ecclesiasticae libri IV, 1726. Translated by J. Murdock (Institute of Ecclesiastical History), and revised by H. L. Hastings, Boston, 1892.

MOURADJA D'OHSSON. Histoire des Mongols, Amsterdam, 1852

NAU, F. Documents pour servir d l'histoire de l'Eglise nestorienne, Paris, 1913.

    Le Livre d'Heraclide de Damas, Paris, 1920.

PERCY, H. EARL. The Highlands of Asiatic Turkey, London, 1901.

PERKINS, JUSTUS. A Residence of Eight Years in Persia, Andover, 1843.
    [In this work there is a full account of the founding of the American Mission to the Nestorians at Urmiyah and the establishment of the famous printing press from which so many valuable works in Syriac and Fallaelu have issued. The debt which Syriac scholars owe to Perkins and his colleagues, W. R. Stocking, A. L. Holliday, Dr. Grant, E. Breath (the printer), J. L. Merrick, Lieut.-Col. Stoddard, W. Jones, and B. Labaree, cannot be estimated.]

PHILLIPS, G. The Doctrine of Addai, London, I876

POLO, MARCO. The Book of Sey Marco Polo, the Venetian, concerning the Kingdoms and Marvels of the East. Translated by Henry Yule, 2 vols., London, 1875. [Contains much valuable information about Nestorians, and dealings of the Mongol il-Khans with them.]

PREUSSER, C. Nordmesopotamische Baudenkmaler, Berlin, 1911.

RAABE, R. Geschichte des Dominos Mari, Leipzig, 1893.

RICH, J. CLAUDIUS. Narrative of a Residence in Kurdistan, 2 vols., London, 1836.

RILEY, J. A. L. "Nestorians," in The Encyclopaedia Byitannica, XIth ed., Cambridge, 1911, Vol. XIX, p. 407 f.

SAEKI, P.Y. The Nestorian Monument-in China London, 1916.
    [An important work containing the Chinese text of the famous Stele of Hsi-an-fu, with an English translation, and notes which are full of valuable historical criticism.]
SOOTHILL, W. E. China and the West, Oxford, 1925.

SYKES, PERCY. A History of Persia, 2 vols., London, 1921. [The section dealing with the il-Khans in Vol. II.]


THOMAS, Bishop of Marga, his Historia Monastica. See BUDGE, Book of Governors.

WERNER, E. T. C. "The Burial-Place of Genghis Khan" in Journal of the North China Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, Vol. 56, 1925.


WIGRAM, W. A. Introduction to the History of the Assyrian Church, 100-640 London, 1910.

    Our Smallest Ally, London, 1920.
    Assyrian Settlement, London, 1922.

WIGRAM, W. A., and E. A. Cradle of Mankind, London, 1923.

WILSON, A. T. "Mission of the Jesuit Fathers in China" (in Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies, Vol. IV, Part I).

WRIGHY, W. Syriac Literature, London, 1894.

YULE, H. The Book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian, 2 vols., London, 1875.

YULE, H. and CORDIER, H. Cathay and the Way Thither, Hakluyt Society, London, 1913-16.