Division of Nuclear Medicine


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What's New In Version 2.9

The block detector simulation allows for more realistic simulation of most PET scanners. The model allows for detector systems consisting of relatively unrestricted arrangements of right-rectangular boxes. This first version has only limited ability to split blocks into smaller elements (e.g. crystals), though this will be addressed in subsequent releases. For more information on this feature, please see the Detector page.


Previously many users have computed randoms from SimSET single-photon simulations. Now SimSET can model random-coincidences directly as part of a PET simulation. For more information, see the section of the user's guide for random coincidence simulation.


 We have added time-of-flight to the available binning variables. For more information see our Binning page.


This version also includes many smaller enhancements, including: SimSET now uses the Mersenne Twister pseudorandom number generator; the number of decays is now an eight-byte integer, allowing for longer simulations, and can now be computed from the activity and scan time; and the scan time can now be specified as a real number.



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Revision date:
22 Apr 2009