David C. Burr

David C. Burr

Artist Statement

These videos compare, through montage, moments during the process of painting and growing a River Bushwillow. Painting from sight takes time. It is  a system of responding to physical or environmental changes for the sake of record and representation. We encounter images and most media through a secondary display, a documentation of tangible and practical information through book or screen. The videos offer access to moments from the physical process that are lost during the traditional abstraction of painting an object onto a two dimensional surface. Viewing a video is a gestalt experience of not only time and process, but resolution and definition.

Artist website



  • MFA, Painting + Drawing, University of Washington, Seattle, 2018
  • BFA, Painting and 2D Studies, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, 2015



  • Goliath, Specialist Gallery, Seattle, WA, 2018
  • Hypertexts, Allison Wells Gallery, New Bedford, MA, 2017
  • Group Exhibition, Wework, Seattle, WA, 2017



  • Margot Neugebauer Award, 2015 + 2014
  • OUR Summer Research Stipend, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, 2014


Committee Members

  • David Brody (Painting + Drawing)
  • Ann Gale (Painting + Drawing)
  • Philip Govedare (Painting + Drawing)
  • Zhi Lin (Painting + Drawing)
  • Rachael Lincoln (Dance)
  • Helen O’Toole (Painting + Drawing)
  • Michael Swaine (3D4M)
  • Thesis installation by David C. Burr
  • Thesis installation by David C. Burr
  • Resolution II by David C. Burr
  • Detail of Resolution II by David C. Burr
  • R1 by David C. Burr
  • Detail of R1 by David C. Burr
  • Detail of R1 by David C. Burr
  • R1 by David C. Burr
  • Level Mechanism by David C. Burr
  • Chase Hill Rd by David C. Burr
  • Wandering Jew by David C. Burr