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Affiliate Researchers

A – B

François Baneyx, a dark-haired olive-skinned man with facial hair looking inquisitively at the camera.

François Baneyx
Chemical Engineering | UW Seattle

Olivia Banner, a white woman with a warm smile and smiling eyes.

Olivia Banner
CREATE | UW Seattle

Miranda Belarde-Lewis
Information School | UW Seattle

Clara Berridge 
Social Work | UW Seattle

A smiling white-presenting woman with glasses and a colorful scarf.

Emily Bender
Linguistics | UW Seattle

Carl Bergstrom
Biology | UW Seattle

Lauren Berliner
School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences | UW Bothell

Jessica Beyer
Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies | UW Seattle

Timothy Brown
Bioethics and Humanities | UW School of Medicine


Ryan Calo
School of Law | UW Seattle

Aylin Caliskan
Information School | UW Seattle

Leah Ceccarelli
Communication | UW Seattle

Katya Cherukumilli
Human Centered Design and Engineering | UW Seattle

Marika Cifor
Information School | UW Seattle

Chris Coward
Information School | UW Seattle

D – E

Dharma Dailey
Computing & Software Systems | UW Bothell

Kavita Dattani
Gender and Women’s Studies | UW Seattle

F – G

Mary D. Fan
School of Law | UW Seattle

James Fogarty
Computer Science | UW Seattle

Stephanie Malia Fullerton
Bioethics and Humanities | UW School of Medicine

Sucheta Ghoshal
Human Centered Design and Engineering | UW Seattle

Carmen Gonzalez
Communication | UW Seattle

H – I

Mark Harniss
CREATE | UW Seattle

Benjamin Mako Hill
Communication | UW Seattle

White woman with brown hair smiling at camera.

Alexis Hiniker
Information School | UW Seattle

Amy Hinterberger
Bioethics and Humanities | UW School of Medicine

Anna Lauren Hoffmann Information School | UW Seattle

Lisa Hoffman
School of Urban Studies | UW Tacoma

Gary Hsieh
Human Centered
Design & Engineering | UW Seattle

J – K

Esther Jang
Computer Science | UW Seattle

Cheryl Kaiser
Psychology | UW Seattle

Tadayoshi Kohno
Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering | UW Seattle

Beth Kolko
Human Centered Design and Engineering | UW Seattle


Carole Lee
Philosophy | UW Seattle

Jin Ha Lee
Information School | UW Seattle

Joe Lott
Education | UW Seattle


Lucia Magis-Weinberg
Psychology | UW Seattle

Lisa Marshall Manheim
School of Law | UW Seattle

Jennifer Mankoff, a white, Jewish woman. She is smiling broadly and standing casually in the Allen Center atrium.

Jennifer Mankoff
CREATE | UW Seattle

Afra Mashhadi
School of Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics | UW Bothell

Erin McElroy
Department of Geography | UW Seattle

Angelina Yvonne McMillan-Major
Language Learning Center | UW Seattle

Divya McMillin
Institute for Innovation and Global Engagement | UW Tacoma

Niloofar Mireshghallah
Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering | UW Seattle

Tanu Mitra
Information School | UW Seattle

Rachel Moran-Prestridge
Center for an Informed Public | UW Seattle

White man in glasses and pink shirt.

Sean Munson
Human Centered Design and Engineering | UW Seattle

N – O

Deveeshree Nayak
School of Engineering & Technology | UW Tacoma

White man with glasses in gray blazer.

Martin Nisser
Aeronautics & Astronautics | UW Seattle

Temi Odumosu
Information School | UW Seattle

Margaret Pugh O’Mara
History | UW Seattle

Golden Owens
Cinema and Media Studies | UW Seattle

P – Q

Carole Palmer
Information School | UW Seattle

Nassim Parvin
Information School | UW Seattle

Katy Pearce
Communication | UW Seattle

Saadia Pekkanen
Jackson School of International Studies | UW Seattle

Ana Pinto de Silva
Human Centered Design and Engineering | UW Seattle

Wanda Pratt
Information School | UW Seattle


Scott Radnitz
Jackson School of International Studies | UW Seattle

 Anis Rahman
Department of Communication | UW Seattle

Brown haired woman with a semi-smile and long earrings looking wistfully to her left, against a mosaic background.

Ilā Ravichandran
Legal Studies, School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences | UW Tacoma

Katharina Reinecke
Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering | UW Seattle

David Ribes
Human Centered Design & Engineering | UW Seattle

Franziska Roesner
Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering | UW Seattle

Adam Romero
School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences | UW Bothell

Emma Rose
Culture, Arts and Communication | UW Tacoma

Daniela Rosner
Human Centered
Design & Engineering | UW Seattle

Adrienne Russell
Communication | UW Seattle


John D Scott
Department of Medicine, Division of Allergy & Infectious Diseases | UW Medicine

Emma Spiro
Information School | UW Seattle

Kate Starbird
Human Centered Design & Engineering | UW Seattle

Yanfang Su
Global Health | UW Seattle

Huatong Sun
Culture, Arts and Communication | UW Tacoma


Josh Tenenberg
School of Engineering & Technology | UW Tacoma

Min Tang
School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences | UW Bothell

Anissa Tanweer
eScience Institute | UW Seattle

Phillip Thurtle
Comparative History of Ideas | UW Seattle

Danielle Lee Tomson
Center for an Informed Public | UW Seattle

U – V – W

Linda Wagner
Human Centered Design & Engineering | UW Seattle

Melanie Walsh
Information School | UW Seattle

Nicholas Weber
Information School | UW Seattle

Matthew Weinstein
Education | UW Tacoma

Jan Whittington
Urban Design and Planning | UW Seattle

Fiona Wills
CoMotion | UW Seattle

X – Y – Z

Jason Young
Information School | UW Seattle

Mason Yu
Global Innovation Exchange | UW Bellevue

Amy X. Zhang
Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering | UW Seattle

Bo Zhao 
Geography | UW Seattle