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Sophos Anti-Virus Software - for UW Computer Support Staff

Sophos Endpoint Security and Control is the UW's new centrally licensed anti-virus/anti-malware software product. Sophos offers encryption, endpoint security, Web, email, and network access control solutions.

The UW license of McAfee expired on March 31, 2010. You must uninstall all McAfee products (installed under the UW's site license) from systems under your control, and install the Sophos product. Systems with McAfee installed from the UW site license on or after April 1, 2010, will be out of compliance. If we can help answer any questions, please send email to .

The information on this page is intended for UW computer support staff. For general information about the UW license of Sophos software, including how to get the software to protect workstations itself, see: UWare/Sophos

Information included on this page:
Higher-level Support From Sophos
What is "higher-level support"
How to register for higher-level support
Contacts and License Information for Higher-level Support
Restricted to those registered for higher-level support
Getting the Enterprise Console Software
Restricted to those registered for higher-level support
Details about Unix Support
Restricted to those registered for higher-level support
Getting Help:
Licensing Questions

Higher-level Support From Sophos

The UW license of Sophos products includes a feature to allow the UW to register a limited number of people who are involved with active, high level, technical support of the Sophos products at the UW.

What is "higher-level" support?

Those registered can submit questions to Sophos for a higher-level of support, going more quickly to Sophos senior technical staff. They will also be allowed access to advanced Sophos software such as the "Enterprise Console". In addition, we have created a local (to the UW) email distribution list automatically tied to the registration list to facilitate discussion of issues regarding use of Sophos products at the UW, especially sharing of any information that might result from raising a "higher-level" support issue with Sophos technical staff.

How to register for Higher-level support

Registration for higher-level support at the UW is managed in a distributed fashion. Deans, Chairs, Computing Directors, Managers of computing support organizations or those nominated for this responsibility within their organizations can, and should, request the ability to add (and remove) individuals from their own organization to the list. Therefore, if you think you should be on the list yourself, you need only check with your own local management to be added.  If you aren't sure who in your organization may be a list manager, find a link to the list of the current managers below, if you see someone in your organization, that's probably the person to ask!

List of Sophos Tech List Managers here

If you are yourself one of those people that should be a manager for the Sophos "Higher Level Support" list, and don't yet have that ability, please contact UWare Licensing (see "Getting Help" below).

Once enabled as a "list manager" you can add (and remove) people from the "tech list" using:

Sophos Tech List here

Contacts and License Information for Higher-level Support

This information is restricted to those officially registered for higher-level support at the UW
Contact and License info here

Getting the Enterprise Console Software and Other Support Topics

This information is restricted to those officially registered for higher-level support at the UW
Get the Enterprise Console here
Get notes from the UW Dec 2009 class here
Get notes from the UW May 2010 meeting here
Get notes on protecting isolated systems here
Get stand-alone (bootable) scanner here

Details about Unix Support

This information is restricted to those officially registered for higher-level support at the UW
Supported Kernels contains the list of UNIX kernels supported by Sophos. You will need the UW license account name (e.g, beginning with "em") and password from the "contact and license info" above to access this list.

Getting Help

Licensing Questions
Contact UWare Licensing at or call 206-221-5000.