Puget Sound Freeway Performance Monitoring Using ATMS Data: A Status Report

1/5/98 (Rev. 1/28/98)

The following describes the FLOW Evaluation Design project, a Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) research project to develop, test, and implement a methodology for the evaluation of freeway usage and performance through the use of ATMS data. The description is divided into eight sections:

Problem Statement

The impetus for this project


The project focus and tasks


Anticipated outcome of the project


Project researchers and advisors

Project Status

Project progress thus far, including a slide presentation originally presented at the 1998 Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board that summarizes the status of the project

Project Contacts

Sources of additional project information

About TRAC

Overview of the Washington State Transportation Center

Slide Index

Presentation at 77th Annual Meeting (1998) of the Transportation Research Board

Problem Statement

The approach of the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) to traffic management in the Puget Sound region has evolved in recent years as financial and political pressures to address traffic congestion without proposing major new construction initiatives have increased. As a result, the WSDOT's ongoing efforts to address traffic congestion focus on efficiently managing and maximizing the use of existing highway capacity.

A key element of the WSDOT's freeway capacity management approach in the Puget Sound area is the FLOW system. This system uses a network of detectors, signals, and information systems to manage the flow of traffic on major highway corridors in the greater Seattle area. The system, under ongoing development since 1980, continues to add new corridors and new capabilities. Because of its importance to traffic management efforts in the region, and WSDOT's desire for periodic system evaluations to monitor the effectiveness of the system and its enhancements, WSDOT approved the FLOW System Evaluation Design project.

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This project has the following objectives:

  1. Develop and test a framework that uses ITS data collection and dissemination systems to perform periodic evaluations of the FLOW traffic management system. Create and test software and other tools to implement an ongoing evaluation process.

  2. Supplement earlier evaluations of the FLOW system by performing an updated evaluation of the operations and effectiveness of selected components of the system, using the evaluation framework and associated tools to analyze data collected by ITS systems in the Puget Sound region.

  3. Document the evaluation framework design and supporting software tools for future user reference.

The evaluation framework developed in this project will initially focus on the general purpose/HOV freeway lanes and ramp metering components of the system, although the framework will be designed to eventually address other aspects of the FLOW system.

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This project will provide the following benefits:

  1. The project will result in the development of an evaluation system framework and associated evaluation tools that will enable the WSDOT to perform periodic evaluations of the FLOW system in a cost-effective manner.

  2. The evaluation framework and supporting tools will assist WSDOT in processing and presenting traffic data for a variety of technical analyses, outreach activities, and educational efforts.

  3. The updated evaluation data will improve knowledge of the usage and operational effectiveness of the FLOW system, help identify areas of potential enhancement in the operation of the system, and provide a sound basis for future investment decisions.

  4. The updated evaluation data will provide information to decision makers and the public about the effectiveness of the FLOW system.

  5. The evaluation framework and tools will assist WSDOT and other transportation planning entities in developing regional measures of transportation impacts that will enhance their performance monitoring and long-range planning efforts.

  6. The updated evaluation data will contribute to a more complete quantitative record of the operational effectiveness of the FLOW system as a function of time, conditions, and system improvements.

The project will focus on the use of data collected by existing and planned regional advanced transportation management systems to create a performance monitoring system that can assist the Washington State Department of Transportation in designing and operating systems and management tools that improve freeway operation, as well as provide objective technical data that will help build and maintain legislative and public support for those traffic management strategies. The system is thus intended to serve much of the routine WSDOT planning data needs for facility usage and performance information. When completed, the FLOW evaluation procedures will be an integral part of the region's congestion monitoring process, and will hopefully serve as a model for similar applications in other parts of the country.

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This project is sponsored by the WSDOT Research Office and WSDOT's Northwest Region, and is being performed by researchers at the Washington State Transportation Center (TRAC) at the University of Washington. Advisors on this project include the WSDOT Research Office, WSDOT Transportation Data Office, WSDOT Urban Mobility Office, WSDOT-Northwest Region Transportation Systems Management Center (TSMC), Puget Sound Regional Council (the Central Puget Sound region's Metropolitan Planning Organization), and transit representatives from Community Transit (Snohomish County), King County Metro, and Pierce County Transit.

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Project Status

The project has begun the second phase of a planned three-phase effort. Phase 1 involved the development of the evaluation framework and prototype tools, while Phase 2 is focusing on tool automation and the completion of a regional freeway evaluation using the framework and tool set. Phase 3 will involve completion of associated documentation as well as preparation for future expansion of the evaluation framework scope.

A status report on this project was presented on January 14, 1998, at the 77th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board (TRB), as part of Session No. 397: ITS Data for Transportation Planning. Click here to review the TRB slide presentation.

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Project Contacts

For more information, please contact one of the following:

Mark Hallenbeck, TRAC (email: tracmark@u.washington.edu)
John Ishimaru, TRAC (email: jmi@u.washington.edu)

Washington State Transportation Center (TRAC)
University of Washington, Box 354802
1107 NE 45th Street
University District Building, Suite 535
Seattle, WA 98105-4631
206-543-8690 (voice/message)
206-685-0767 (fax)

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About TRAC

To find out more about the Washington State Transportation Center (TRAC), visit the Web page (http://depts.washington.edu/trac/). The site is currently undergoing renovation (as of January 1998), so check back often to see what's being added.

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Slide Index/Presentation at 77th Annual Meeting (1998) of the Transportation Research Board

Click here to review the TRB slide presentation. The lists below explain the navigation symbols that will be encountered in the presentation and describe the contents of each slide.

Navigation Symbols

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Index Slide index
Home TRAC Home Page
Text Text-only version (no graphics)

Slide Index

  1. Puget Sound Freeway Performance Monitoring Using ATMS Data:
    A Status Report

  2. Presentation Outline

  3. Freeway Performance Monitoring in Puget Sound

  4. FLOW Network Map

  5. TMS System Components

  6. Result: WSDOT's FLOW Evaluation Design Project

  7. FLOW Evaluation Design Project

  8. FLOW Evaluation Design Project

  9. FLOW Evaluation Design Project

  10. FLOW Evaluation Design Project

  11. Project Schedule

  12. Evaluation Methodology Issues

  13. Evaluation Methodology Issues

  14. Evaluation Methodology Issues

  15. Resulting Methodology Approach

  16. Performance Measures

  17. Measures of Effectiveness

  18. Measurement Issues

  19. Measurement Locations

  20. Measurement Locations

  21. Representative Travel Time Routes

  22. Evaluation Measures

  23. Evaluation Measures, continued

  24. Evaluation Measures, continued

  25. Evaluation Measures, continued

  26. Examples of Analysis

  27. I-5 Volumes

  28. Average Midweek 24-hour Profile

    1. Example A
    2. Example B
    3. Example C

  29. Facility Performance

    1. Example A
    2. Example B
    3. Example C

  30. Facility Safety Summary

  31. Facility Safety Trend

  32. Tools

  33. Evaluation Tools

  34. Evaluation Tools: Example

  35. CDR Screen Shot

  36. Data Sources

  37. Data Sources

  38. Supporting Data Sources, continued

  39. Data sources

  40. Data Processing Issues

  41. Data Processing Issues

  42. Data Processing Issues

  43. Status and Future Activities

  44. Activities To Date (Phase 1)

  45. Upcoming Activities (Phases 2 and 3)

  46. Future Activities

  47. For Further Information

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