Data show that over 45 percent of the U.S. population comprises individuals with special needs for travel. The focus of this project, conducted in conjunction with Cambridge Systematics, Inc., is to support the Accessible Transportation Technologies Research Initiative (ATTRI) in its development and implementation of technologies (devices, software, data standards) and policies that improve independent, on-demand mobility—particularly access to transit—for all travelers. This project’s development of an evaluation framework and recommended set of performance metrics will consider the complex interactions between the transportation system and factors such as land uses, social/demographic mobility characteristics, and human factors that affect personal mobility and access to services. The resulting framework and performance metrics will be suitably detailed to allow evaluators to independently examine current and future ATTRI development projects and to understand and measure their impact on mobility within the entire “travel chain” for specific subpopulations with diverse needs.
Principal Investigators:
Anat Caspi, Computer Science and Engineering, UW
Mark Hallenbeck, Washington State Transportation Center, UW
Sponsor: FHWA
FHWA Program Manager: Erin Flanigan
Scheduled completion: December 2020