My name is Bryan and I am sixteen years of age. This is my second year competing in the TRiO Think Quest competition. Being the second year that I create a website, I felt the need to push myself to strive for the best. I told myself that I wouldn’t accept anything mediocre. I knew that our group would do well and I had to live with the fact that I had to lead them to success. I enjoyed being part of this group and loved the whole experience. What I love about this project was that I got to learn to use the Photoshop program. With this project, I contributed by being one of two project managers, I helped with the research, the content of the website, and I learned to use Photoshop to design and develop our website’s banner. Being the project manager, I learned to use leadership skills. It was very difficult to lead my group because I have never been a leader for something very significant and I had to keep them on track. At the same time that our group was creating this website I had so many things going on and it was hard complete this project. I was taking two college classes, one which was a speech class and the other was engineering, where myself and others had to create a model city that conserves energy. I was also taking an English writing class and all these three classes that I took would give me homework. This was one of the toughest summers I have ever had. I had to learn how to use Photoshop and it was a major obstacle for me to overcome. It was great directing my teammates in the correct path. During the project, I helped design the logo of our team. This project was very difficult because I am not the technology type of person and some of the programs that I learned, I had never used before. My favorite part of this website was seeing the final project. I liked that the website flowed together and all the colors intertwined correctly. I was overwhelmed when I saw the completed version of the banner that I created. I have never been so happy in completing a project.  Over all it was a great experience.