
Composition A




Tears for freedom


In a life of crisis a band of men will rise.

Though they have rose and have won they have lost many things.

With a band they will travel into the unknown and foresee things.

Though tears will fall they will lose many things that they never thought they would lose.

Bloodstain friends have fallen in battle and they have never seen what they will become.

Against a nation they will fight for freedom, though it may seem like it will never end they will see how it will be.

A year may pass but all seems lost to them.

A hidden life never exposed to them will open.

A life of fleeing comes upon them and those around them.

Though they have suffered they will fight and beg to be freed.

A pain of losing appears but they do not see what will become if they do not flee.

A pain of tear comes when all seems lost and all is to run to be able to fly away.

Pain is along with them of the past and how much they have endured to revive that they can be strong.

A batter ground appears to tell that all is lost none is the same.

A time of suffering comes but ends in a pain of.

Pain of tears comes as a man cries upon his knees to be free from the war.

Though the pain is within the heart they never can find the deeds that have become of them.

Even though hardships are shared tears will fall for things are in danger.

Brothers will cry for freedom, as fathers will.

Though all may cry in tears not all will say.

As a person in crisis none is the same.






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