Tamer & Debbie Kıraç

About Tamer & Debbie

Tamer was born in İstanbul in 1951 and moved to Germany with his family in 1960, living there for three years before coming to Montreal. In 1969 they moved again to Seattle, where he attended Highline Community College to study social sciences. He then transferred to the University of Washington, where he focused on public administration and economic development. After working for a few years he returned to UW to earn his Master’s in 1979, and soon after he moved back to Turkey with his wife, Debbie, and child. They came back to the U.S. in 1986 and have been here ever since, although Tamer travels frequently for work. Tamer was involved with the Turkish Cultural Association in Montreal and keeps his Turkish culture alive by exchanging family history notes with his aunt. He enjoys life in the U.S. and would like to be more involved in his community in the future.