Selim Kuru

About Kuru

Selim Kuru was born in Samsun, Turkey, in 1965, where he spent the majority of his early life. He completed both his Bachelor's and Master's degrees at Bogazici University in Turkey, focusing on English literature. Inspired to pursue further education in the United States, Selim attended Harvard University, where he delved into historical linguistics for his PhD. His academic journey at Harvard included a deep exploration of the English language and various historical subjects, alongside immersing himself in American culture and adapting to new surroundings. During his doctoral studies, Selim secured a faculty position at the University of Washington in the Middle Eastern Languages and Culture department, where he has been teaching ever since. Beyond academia, Selim actively engages with the Turkish community, along with other cultural groups such as the Persian community, driven by his profound interest in language, culture, and identity exploration. Additionally, Selim is a passionate cat lover, a detail he often highlighted throughout his interview.