Gokhan Ozhan

About Gokhan

Gokhan Ozhan, born in Tarsus, Turkey, in 1965, embarked on his educational journey at Tarsus American College before attending Middle East Technical University for his undergraduate and master's degrees in computer science. Leaving his PhD program for a job at Microsoft, he moved to the U.S. in 1998, influenced by his brother's earlier recruitment by the company. Settling in Seattle with his wife, whom he married in 2000 after convincing her to join him from Turkey, Gokhan faced challenges adapting to American culture and workplace dynamics. Despite these hurdles, the Ozhan family, now including two daughters attending the University of Washington, has thrived. Gokhan, reflecting on his identity, considers himself Turkish-American and remains a significant contributor to Seattle's Turkish community, with no plans to return to Turkey beyond owning a summer home.