wpe3.jpg (11159 bytes) Celine Grisset

Department: LA

Years with Upward Bound: 1st Summer

I am a French citizen who just arrived here to join my husband and to teach French in a Seattle high school this coming year.

Tell one funny event that happened in your life.

When we were learning English, some friends called us to invite us over for supper. My husband answered the call. With the invitation, my friend also warned us that her son had chicken pox. So my husband, being polite and meaning to be nice said, "I'm sorry, I am a vegetarian, I don't eat chicken...! But we will come anyhow."

Why did you decide to join the program?

Sharon offered me the position as a teaching assistant for her class during the summer and I decided to take it. I thought the "Upward Bound" concept was worth being involved in and wanted to support it.

What do you like most about the program?

I like the idea that we are here to help these students get into a university. I like the diversity and thus the wealth of experience and knowledge that these kids provide.

What do you think about the students in the program?

I think they are full of motivation and talent. Most if them have gone through, or are going through tough times and difficult experiences.   But still they come everyday, they participate, they learn and I, in return, have come to care about them a lot, hoping they will make it through.

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