wpe5.jpg (59576 bytes) Dave Wolczyk

Department:  Science

Years with Upward Bound:  Year and a half

I'm originally from upstate NY and most recently from Chicago.  I love the Northwest and the outdoors.  I try to get away to bike/ski/hike/climb, whenever I can.  I'm enjoying life in Seattle and working with Upward Bound immensely.

Tell one funny event that happened in your life.

Once I was skiing at a place I'd never been before.  I decided to follow this guy who looked like he might know where to find the good snow.  As he approached a group of people, I hung back a little.  He skied past the people, and right off a cliff!  Good thing he had a parachute.  I'm glad I didn't follow him any further!

Why did you decide to join the program?

I moved from another Upward Bound Program at Columbia College in Chicago.  I think Upward Bound is an incredibly important program.

What do you think about the students in the program?

They are awesome!  Many of our students are among the best I've ever taught.  They are highly motivated and extremely curious.   Some are downright hilarious.

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