Donna Bolima Department: Office of Minority Affairs/Education Years with Upward Bound: 10 years Sansei, Eldest daughter, Sister, Mother, Grandmother, Academician, Artist, Writor, Editor, Sushi Mentor, Adopted member of the Eagle/Bear Clan, Facilitator of learning..... |
Tell one funny event that happened in your life.
Lately we took my 3 and 1/2 year old grandson to the park to play. He offered one of his cars to another little boy to roll down the slide. We thought it would be nice if we helped by rolling the cars up to them when they rolled it down.
Why did you decide to join the program?
It looked like a good program to work with and once I started, I found out it really was!
What do you like most about the program?
The students and the staff of course!
What do you think about the students in the program?
It is a pleasure to work with them in that small slot of time, before they make their way to highter things in life. They also tend to like sweet stuff.