Erhiza2.jpg (6828 bytes) Erhiza Nabong

Department:  Language TA

Years with Upward Bound: 3 years

I'm one out of the nine people in my family.  I attend Eastern Washington University.  I'll probably major in Recreation Management, Spanish, and the arts.  So far, my summer's been "Live."

Tell one funny event that happened in your life.

A funny moment??  It would have to be the moment that occurred this past winter.  I was having a snowball fight with my friends at the dorms.  (That day, they had to call me Princess Erhiza 'cause I guessed the right day it would snow.)  I was standing near some cars rolling a small snowball, while everybody else was taking a rest.  I was bored, so I threw a snowball in the air expecting to kick it.  But my foot missed the snowball because my other foot slipped and I fell hard on the ground.  I was embarrassed, but all my friends were laughing, and I know it must have been funny  -  my foot in the air and falling hard on my buttox.

Why did you decide to join the program?

I joined the program mainly because I thought it would be the time to meet new people and have fun while still getting my credits.  Plus, the dough and opportunity to go to a different state helped out.

What do you like most about the program?

I like the last day when awards are given and we get to see the students perform.  That's the best.  Oh, the Scholars Bowl also is something I always look forward to.

What do you think about the students in the program?

The students in the program are well-rounded. They're making the effort to move up to another level, but they still can have fun.  I think they have a lot of talent and they get along well with each other.

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