wpeD.jpg (8285 bytes) Katy Griepp

Department: Math

Years with Upward Bound: 6th year

I teach at Lindbergh High School in Renton. I graduated from the University of Washington. I am a young life leader (youth group for high school students in the central area).

Tell one funny event that happened in your life.

I was standing on "the Ave" waiting to catch a bus when I saw a tow truck drive by with a car  that looked just like mine. It wasn't until I saw the license plate that I remembered I had driven to work and parked in a 30-minute zone.

Why did you decide to join the program?

I knew I wanted to go into teaching.

What do you like most about the program?

Small classes, field trips. Both let you get to know the students

What do you think about the students in the program?

Friendly, respectful, fun to be around

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